Army : Including War Time. - Shop
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- Attack on Major Rycroft. 1897.
- £14.50
- Attempted Counter Revolution in Paris. 1848.
- £12.00
- Austrian and Prussian Troops. 1866.
- £10.00
- Austrian Occupation of Bosnia : The Thirteenth Army Corps Crossing the River Save at Brod. 1878.
- £11.50
- Autumn Manoeuvres, Salisbury Plain. 1898.
- £12.00
- Back from Battle. Men Wounded at Putiloff Hill. 1905
- £11.50
- Back from Hill 70: Canadian Highlanders, headed by their Pipers, returning after the Victory of August 15th 1917. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- £11.50
- Back from the Soudan : Welcoming the Howitzer Battery at Woolwich. 1898.
- £13.00
- Back from the Soudan : Arrival of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards at Waterloo. 1898.
- £13.00
- Badges of Cavalry Regiments in the British Army. 1915.
- £11.50
- Badges of Cavalry Regiments in the British Army. 1915
- £11.50
- Banquet at the London Tavern to General Vivian and the English Officers of the Turkish Contingent in the Crimea. 1855
- £10.00
- Banquet to the Brigade of Guards at the Westminster Aquarium - General View. 1882
- £14.50
- Baralong Natives in the Stadt at Mafeking Scared by a Shell. 1900.
- £11.00
- Barracks at Scutari. - The British Hospital. 1855
- £12.00
- Barricade on the Boulevard Montmartre.- Drawn by Valentin. 1848
- £10.00
- Bashi-Bazouks on the March : A Halt for Prayer." 1883
- £12.50
- Battle of Inkerman. Bombardment of Sebastopol. & Battle of Tel-el-Kebir.
- £16.00
- Battle of Khushk-I-Nakhud : In Memoriam : The 66th "Die But Never Surrender !". 1880.
- £11.50
- Battles of the British Army, No. XVI. - Busaco.
- £14.50
- Beating the Big Gun of the Boche : Erecting and Firing a Giant Defender of Verdun. 1916.
- £12.00
- Bed and Chair of Napoleon. 1849.
- £11.00
- Before Sebastopol. - A Day Under Fire at the Green-Hill. 1855
- £12.50
- Before Sebastopol.- Interior of the Last Parallel, French Line. 1855
- £10.00
- Before Sebastopol.- Zouaves Making Gabions. 1855
- £10.00