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- Among the Brigands. I.- Awaiting a Victim. 1875.
- Amusements in Camp - 1885
- An Alarm at Alexandria ; British Troops on the alert at the Rosetta Gate." 1882.
- An Altar in an Automobile : The Work of the Catholic Church in Belgium. 1916.
- An Army on the White Sky-Line : Italian Troops' Activities in the Mountain Snow. 1916.
- An Honour which should be promptly Paid to Lord Wolseley : A Tribute from the Queen to the General before his Gallant Little Army. 1882.
- An Impending Enemy for the German Invaders of France ; Winter. 1870.
- An Incident during the recent Fighting around Ypres : "Good-Bye, Sir," Shaking Hands with the Colonel before Leaving to Perform a Dangerous Task. 1915
- An Underground Railway at the Front : How the French Excavate a Subterranean Shelter. 1916.
- Anglo-Boer Good-Fellowship : Sir Evelyn Wood and Commandant Joubert Wetting the Armistice. 1881.
- Anniversary of the French Revolution. 1849.
- Arabi Pasha, the Rebel Egyptian Leader. 1882.
- Armenia after the Massacre - 1897
- Armies of Europe - The French Types. 1898.
- Arrival of the "Italy" at Portsmouth from Egypt with Sick and Wounded. 1882.
- Arrival of the First Middlesex Artillery at Cuckfield. 1871.
- Arrival of the Overland Mail.- Capture of Gwalior.- Six Thousand Killed and Wounded. 1844
- Artificial Sunshine in Summer-Time : A Searchlight in the heart of a French Forest. 1916.
- Ashanti Expedition : Prince Henry of Battenberg's Last Breakfast, in Staff Officers' Mess-Room, Cape Coast Castle, before Marching for Coomassie.
- Aspect of Brighton during the Review Week. 1871.
- At a Franco-British Outpost in the Great German Advance, March, 1918.
- At Close Quarters with the Boche : A Photograph taken During the Attack at Souchez. 1916.
- At Ibadan, West Coast of Africa. 1898.
- At Pontaven, Brittany - News of the Armistice. 1871
- At the French Army Manoeuvres : Forty Miles an Hour. 1900.