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- Colonel F C Bridgeman - 1898
- Colonel H R Abadie - 1897
- Colonel Hector Archibald MacDonald C.B., D.S.O., A.D.C. 1899.
- Colonel Plumer's Gallant but Ill-Fated Attempt to Relieve Mafeking from the North. 1900.
- Colonel Porter, of the Carabiniers. 1899.
- Colonel Redvers Buller, V.C. 1881.
- Colonel Robert MacGregor Stewart - 1897
- Colonel Sir John Charles Ardagh, R.E., K.C.I.E., C.B. 1896
- Colonel Tully and Staff - 1897
- Colonel Von Der Tann. 1850.
- Colonel W. H. Mackinnon, who will Command "The Lord Mayor's Own" in South Africa. 1900.
- Conflict at Ballinhassig.- Sketched by Mr. Mahony, Cork. 1845
- Conflict at Milan. 1848.
- Conflict between the 10th Hussars and Cossacks, at Kertch. 1855.
- Conlict at the Porta Tosa, Milan. 1848.
- Convalescent in Mafeking : Lord Edward Cecil's First Walk after his Illness. 1900.
- Court-Marshall. 1845
- Crack Corps Supplying Volunteers for "The Front." 1900.
- Cronje's Stronghold on the Modder River, Surrendered on Majuba Day. 1900
- Cycling Manoeuvres with the South London Brigade between Hertford and Watton. 1901.
- Dastardly Capture of a British Officer and his Wife by Brigands near Salonica. 1880.
- Death of the Wuzeer of Lahore. 1845
- Dentistry on the Veldt : Unofficial Duties of an Officer in the R.A.M.C. 1900.
- Departure of Sir Harry Smith for the Cape of Good Hope. 1847.
- Departure of the "Duke of Cambridge's Own" Imperial Yeomanry by the "Dunvegan Castle," February 17th.