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- Gen. Sarrail, who assumed command of the Allied Forces at Saloniki, January 16th, 1916.
- Gen. Sir Charles C. Monro, K.C.B., British Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- General Armando Dias, appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Army, November, 1917.
- General Baraguay D'Hilliers, Commandant of the National Assembly of France. 1848.
- General Bosquet. - From the Exhibition of Photographic Pictures taken in the Crimea, by Roger Fenton. 1855
- General Boulanger - 1887
- General Buller's Advance : An Unexpected Treat while on the March. 1900.
- General Buller's Advance : Pursuing the Fleeing Boers after the Fight on Helpmakaar Heights. 1900.
- General Cadorna Counters the Austrians in Trentino. 1916
- General Canrobert. 1855
- General Changarnier and the Officers of the Garde Mobile. 1849.
- General Count Luigi Cadorna, Italian Commander-in-Chief.
- General Faidherbe's Head Quarters at Boisleux. 1871.
- General Hart's Brigade Storming the Kopjes on January 20. 1900
- General Henry Philip Sheridan, U.S.A. 1875.
- General John Joseph Pershing. Commander-in-Chief of the United States Forces in France. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- General Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre. Commander-in-Chief of the French Army. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- General Kaulbars Questioning a Japanese Prisoner. 1905.
- General Lamoriciere. 1848.
- General Linievitch and His Staff looking at the Japanese Positions on the Sha-Ho. 1905
- General Lord Methuen, with Colonel Douglas, Chief of his Staff, Directing the Battle of Magersfontein.
- General Louis Botha Blindfolded on his way to the Peace Conference. 1902.
- General Mangin, who commanded the troops that recaptured Douaumont, October 24th, 1916.
- General Pelissier, Commander-in-Chief of the French Troops before Sebastopol. 1855
- General Robert Nivelle, Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the North and North-East.