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- Departure of the 6th Dragoons to Castigate the Boers : Souvenirs of the Inniskillings' Glory Roll. 1881.
- Departure of the Army Works Corps from London-Bridge, for the Crimea. 1855
- Departure of the Black Watch from Edinburgh en route for Egypt : Passing Down "The Mound." 1882.
- Desertion from the Army : Sale of a Deserter's Kit in Barracks. 1875.
- Destruction of Russian Barracks and Magazine, at Hango. 1855
- Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. (Chromo-Lithographic Plate) 1897.
- Dinner given by the Prince of Wales to the Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the 2nd Life Guards who served in Egypt, in the Cavalry Barracks, Wind
- Disaster in the Sudan, - Portraits of some of the British Officers and others who are said to have fallen during the recent Fighting. 1883
- Disastrous Retreat of the Russian Armies. 1905
- Disembarkation of Wounded Italian Soldiers from Abyssinia at Naples. 1887.
- Display of Riding by Army Candidates : The Art of Tilting. 1903
- Distribution of Prizes by the H.A.C. 1880. (Honourable Artillery Company)
- Distribution of the Crimean Medals by Her Majesty, at the Horse Guards. 1855
- Distribution of the Crimean War Medals by Her Majesty, at the Horse Guards. 1855
- Distribution of the Egyptian War Medals by the Queen at Windsor on the 21st Ult. to the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Men of the Expeditio
- Dover's Reception of the Sirdar : The Procession along Admiralty Pier. 1898.
- Dr. Brett's Hospital Ambulance. 1855
- Drawing Fire : A Clever Scouting Ruse. 1900.
- Dream of the Soldiers Wife : The British Sortie from Kandahar. 1880.
- Drum Major G. T. Philip - 1897
- Dublins and Munsters Returning from the Victory at Ginchy, 1916.
- Durbar at Kuhsan - 1885
- During the Terrible Battle on the Sha-Ho : Waiting the Order to Advance. 1905.
- Earl Kitchener. 1916.
- Easter Monday Volunteer Review at Brighton. 1881.