Products In This Category:
- President Kruger at Home - 1897
- £11.00
- President Kruger Leaving Government Building. Transvaal. (Sketches by Melton Prior.) 1896.
- £13.50
- President Loubet Proposing the Toast of the Lord Mayor at the Guildhall. 1903
- £12.50
- President Loubet's Progress from York House, St. James's, to the Hospitable Guildhall. 1903
- £12.50
- President Loubet's Visit to Longchamps Last Sunday. 1899,
- £12.00
- Primrose Day : The Annual Tribute to Beaconsfield. 1899.
- £9.00
- Prince Bismarck Duke of Lauenburg : Ex-Chancellor of the German Empire.
- £15.00
- Prince Bismarck at Home : An Evening at Friedrichsruh. 1898.
- £13.00
- Prominent Liberal Unionists. 1887.
- £15.00
- Proposed Restoration of the Exterior of Westminster Hall. 1884.
- £12.50
- Protestation of the National Guard in the Place du Chatelet, Paris. (French Revolution) 1848.
- £8.00
- Quiet Funeral of Lord Salisbury at Hatfield. 1903
- £11.00
- Ready for the Colonial Conference : Photographs of Two Premiers and One Hostess. 1907.
- £12.50
- Recent Ministerial Changes in Turkey.- The New Grand Vizier, Aali Pacha. 1855
- £10.00
- Reception at the Foreign Office in Honour of the Queen's Birthday. 1878
- £16.50
- Revolution in France. 1848.
- £8.00
- Revolution in Prussia. 1848.
- £12.50
- Richard Cobden. M.P.
- £8.00
- Richard Weston, First Earl of Portland. OB: 1634.
- £12.50
- Right Hon. A. H. D. Acland. 1895.
- £8.00
- Right Hon. David Lloyd George, M.P. Minister of Munitions. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- £11.50
- Right Hon. Henry Matthews, M.P. - 1887
- £10.00
- Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- £11.50
- Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury. OB : 1612.
- £12.50
- Rush for the Daily Newspapers. (French Revolution) 1848.
- £8.50