Products In This Category:
- The Debarkation at Westminster Abbey and Bridge on Lord Mayor's Day 1844.
- £12.00
- The Derby Day Adjournment - Scenes in the House. 1883.
- £11.00
- The Dinner to Colonial Premiers, Given by the Imperial South African Association. 1902.
- £12.00
- The Duchess of Orleans, the Count of Paris, and the Count of Eu, in the Chamber of Deputies. (French Revolution) 1848.
- £9.00
- The Duke of Argyll. 1895.
- £8.00
- The Earl of Aberdeen. 1895.
- £8.00
- The Earl of Cranbrook. 1895.
- £8.00
- The Earl of Kimberley. 1895.
- £8.00
- The Earl of Rosebery, K.G. 1895.
- £8.00
- The Education Bill in Parliament - Mr. Lloyd-George Denouncing the Measure. 1902
- £13.00
- The Election of Mr. Horatio Seymour, Governor of the State of New York : Democratic Procession Passing the New York Hotel. 1862
- £11.00
- The Election Riot in the Great Market-Place at Nottingham.
- £11.00
- The Elections. (City of London.) 1847.
- £12.50
- The Empire's Real Rulers. 1909.
- £11.50
- The End of an Egyptian Patriot - Boutros Pasha - 1910
- £11.00
- The English Ministers who will save Ireland. 1880.
- £10.50
- The Exodus of Jews from Russia.- Sketches at the Embarkation of Refugees on Board the "Lydian Monarch," at Gravesend, for New York. 1882.
- £12.00
- The Family of the Prime Minister of the Transvaal : Mr. Louis Botha's Household. 1907
- £11.50
- The First Duke of Westminster, His Successor, and His Ancestors. 1900.
- £12.50
- The First Irish Lord Mayor of London, Alderman W. McArthur. M.P. 1880.
- £8.50
- The French Revolution.- The Municipal Guards Charging the Crowd before M. Guizot's Hotel. 1848.
- £8.00
- The Funeral of Mr. Cobden, M.P. 1865.
- £12.50
- The Funeral of Mr. Gladstone : Sketches in the Crowd at Westminster. 1898.
- £12.00
- The Funeral of Mr. Gladstone in Westminster Abbey. 1898.
- £12.00
- The Funeral of Mr. Gladstone in Westminster Abbey. 1898.
- £12.50