Products In This Category:
- Mohammed Basha, The New Sovereign of Tunis. 1855
- £12.50
- Movers and Seconders of the Address in Parliament. 1875.
- £12.00
- Mr Churchill's Globe. 1944.
- £10.00
- Mr Gladstone and the Irish Crime Bill - 1887
- £10.00
- Mr Goschen - Chancellor of the Exchequer - 1887
- £10.00
- Mr Henry Broadhurst and Working Men M.P.'s - 1887
- £10.00
- Mr Rennell Rodd's Mission to Abysinia - 1897
- £11.00
- Mr W H Smith as Leader of the Commons - 1887
- £10.00
- Mr. & Mrs. Gladstone at Edinburgh after the Midlothian Election, April 5th, 1880
- £12.50
- Mr. A. J. Balfour. M.P. 1895.
- £8.00
- Mr. Asquith, M.P. 1895.
- £8.00
- Mr. Bradlaugh at the Bar of the House of Commons. 1881.
- £8.00
- Mr. Bradlaugh M.P., at the Bar of the House of Commons. 1880.
- £10.00
- Mr. Chamberlain Addressing the Liberal Unionist Congress at Manchester. 1898.
- £12.00
- Mr. Chamberlain Reading His Rectorial Address at Glasgow. 1897.
- £14.50
- Mr. Chamberlain's Marriage in America. 1888.
- £12.50
- Mr. Chamberlain's visit to Manchester. 1898.
- £12.50
- Mr. Charles Bradlaugh, M.P. 1891.
- £11.50
- Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell, M.P. & Mr. Biggar, M.P. 1881.
- £8.50
- Mr. Chauncey Depew. Orator, Lawyer and Railway Manager, 1895.
- £8.00
- Mr. E.B. Washburne, American Minister in Paris. 1871.
- £10.00
- Mr. Feargus O'Connor, M.P. 1848.
- £7.50
- Mr. Fred Smith, M.P., and Dr. Gutteridge Addressing the Strand Electors. 1891.
- £10.50
- Mr. Gerald Balfour, the Chief Secretary for Ireland. 1898.
- £11.50
- Mr. Gladstone and Colonial Premiers. 1897.
- £14.50