Products In This Category:
- Louis Kossuth. 1849.
- £11.50
- Louis Philippe at Claremont. (French Revolution) 1848.
- £8.00
- Lying in State and Funeral of the Late Mr. Charles Stewart Parnell, M. P., in Dublin. 1891.
- £12.00
- M. Buffet, the New French Prime Minister. 1875.
- £14.50
- M. Charles Dupuy, Premier and Minister of the Interior of France. 1898.
- £13.00
- M. Delangle, the New French Minister of the Interior. 1858.
- £8.00
- M. Eleutherios Venizelos, head of the Greek Provisional Government established in 1916.
- £11.00
- M. Georges Clemenceau. The French Premier who led his country to the final victory. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- £11.50
- M. Gladstone. 1898.
- £10.00
- M. Jules Favre, the Eminent Anti-Imperialist. 1880.
- £10.00
- M. Jules Grevy, President of the French Republic. 1882.
- £8.50
- M. Le Premier President Perivier. 1898.
- £12.00
- M. Mac-Kinley, president des Etats-Unis. 1898.
- £12.00
- M. Paul Deschanel. 1898.
- £12.00
- M. Raspail. 1848.
- £8.00
- M. Theirs. 1845.
- £10.00
- M. Theophile Delcasse, French Minister for Foreign Affairs. 1898.
- £13.00
- Major Playfair, of St. Andrew's. 1847
- £10.50
- March of the Troops through the Champs Elysees. (French Revolution) 1848.
- £8.00
- May 7 - The Meeting of the House of Commons. (Funeral of King Edward VII.)
- £13.00
- Meeting of Parliament for 1859. House of Lords.
- £20.00
- Meeting of the Central Relief Committee in the Mayor's Parlour at the Manchester Townhall - Earl Derby in the Chair. 1862
- £12.50
- Members of the New Government. (French Revolution) 1848.
- £8.00
- Members of the new Government. (France) 1848
- £10.00
- Michel Chevalier - The French Political Economist. 1875.
- £11.50