Products In This Category:
- Late President Faure : Scenes at His Funeral. 1899.
- £12.00
- Le "President-Felix-Faure" pendant un cyclone dans L'ocean Indien. 1898.
- £12.00
- Leon Gambetta, Prime Minister of the French Republic. 1881.
- £11.50
- Les Funerailles de M. Gladstone a Westminster.- Le prince de Galles saluant Mme Gladstone devant la tombe.
- £12.00
- Life of the Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. 1881.
- £12.00
- London Laundresses' Demonstration in Hyde Park : Miss Abrahams States their Grievances. 1891.
- £11.50
- Lord Acton. 1895.
- £8.00
- Lord Ashbourne. 1895.
- £8.00
- Lord Beaconsfield in his Library at Hughenden. 1881
- £16.50
- Lord Beaconsfield's Appeal to the Country : Lights and Shadows of the Elections. 1880.
- £10.00
- Lord Beaconsfield's Life in a Nutshell. 1881.
- £9.00
- Lord Blanc, President of the Operatives' Commission. Garnier Pages, Minister of Finance. Armand Marrast, Mayor of Paris. 1848.
- £8.00
- Lord Brassey. Governor of Victoria. 1895.
- £8.00
- Lord Colin Campbell, M.P. for Argyllshire. 1878.
- £8.50
- Lord Colin Campbell, M.P. for Argyllshire. 1878.
- £11.50
- Lord Farrer. 1895.
- £8.00
- Lord Halsbury (Lord Chancellor) receiving the Freedom of the Merchant Taylors' Company. 1887.
- £11.50
- Lord Overstone - 1883
- £12.00
- Lord Playfair. M.P. 1895.
- £8.00
- Lord Randolph Churchill. 1895.
- £8.00
- Lord Richard Grosvenor, Member for Flintshire. 1864.
- £9.00
- Lord Rosebery at Chesterfield- "You Have To Clean Your Slate". 1901.
- £11.00
- Lord Rosebery at the Dinner of the Lothian Society, Nov. 12. 1898.
- £12.00
- Lord Salisbury, The Prime Minister, and his Beaulieu Villa, near Nice. 1891.
- £11.00
- Lord Tweedmouth. 1895.
- £8.00