Army : Including War Time. - Shop
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- Mountain Battery-Egyptian Army. 1884.
- £12.50
- Mounted Pipers for the Highland Regiments - What Might Happen at the First Parade. 1889.
- £12.00
- Mounted Policeman for the Crimea.- Soldiers Dragging Stores to the Camp. 1855
- £10.00
- Musical Ride of the Blues under a Searchlight for the Entertainment of the Colonials. 1902.
- £12.50
- Mussulman Refugees from Romania Embarking at Constantinople for Smyrna. 1878.
- £12.00
- My Impressions of Ashanti. By H.C. Seppings Wright.
- £13.50
- National Guards preparing to Fire on the People in the Rue De Rivoli, Paris. 1871.
- £10.50
- National Rifle Association Meeting at Wimbledon - 1887
- £10.00
- Native Egyptian Troops - 1883
- £11.00
- Navvies for the Crimea. 1855
- £12.00
- Navy & Army Calendar 1897
- £14.00
- Near Sebastopol.- The Middle or "White House" Ravine. 1855
- £10.00
- New Egyptian Army - A Review Before The Khedive at Cairo. 1883.
- £12.50
- New Fortifications, Portsmouth. 1846
- £13.50
- New One-Man Range-Finder. 1905
- £12.50
- New South Wales Mounted Rifles - 1897
- £10.00
- New Troops for the New Year and the Reconstruction of the General Staff. 1916.
- £12.00
- New Uniform of the Coldstream Guards. 1856.
- £12.00
- New Uniforms of the British Cavalry. 1856.
- £12.00
- News from the Front : "Cairo is Saved !". 1882.
- £12.00
- Night Attack of the Kent Artillery Volunteers in Ore Creek, near Faversham. 1864.
- £11.00
- Night Attack on the Frontier. 1897.
- £13.50
- No. 2, Sailors' (Green-Hill) Battery, Before Sebastopol. 1855
- £11.50
- Notable Indian Soldiers Honoured by the King. 1916.
- £12.00
- Notes at the Easter Volunteer Manoeuvres at Dover. 1887.
- £12.00