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- Major-General Viscount R. H. Frankfort de Montmorency. 1896.
- Manifestation En L'Honneur Du General Saussier. - Le defile des Societes patriotiques sur la place Vendome.
- Manifestation en L'Honneur Du General Saussier.- Reception des presidents des Societes patriotiques. 1898.
- March Past of the 12th Lancers at the Queen's Birthday Parade, Aldershot. 1899.
- Marshal Bazaine, Commander of a French Army Corps. 1870.
- Marshal Foch, In Supreme Command on the Western Front. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- Marshal Lannes at Essling. 1897.
- Marshal M'mahon, Commander of the First Corps of the French Army. 1870.
- Marshal Pelissier Commander-in-Chief of the French Army in the Crimea. 1855.
- Marshal Pelissier, Commander-in-Chief of the French Army in the Crimea. 1855
- Marshal Prim. (On Horseback) 1871,
- Martial Scenes in Paris : The Departure for the Front of a New Belgian Regiment. 1915
- Massacre of British Officers in Kaffirland. 1848
- Meeting at Surat, in Aid of the Patriotic Fund. 1855
- Meeting of the Sirdar and M. Marchand. 1898.
- Men of America's First Million : Review of United States Troops in France, March, 1918.
- Midnight Attack on Portsmouth. 1907
- Military Bicycling in India - 1897
- Military Funeral of the Late Lieutenant Brett at Esher. 1882
- Military Manoeuvres in the New Forest. 1898.
- Military Notes of the Week. September 7th, 1912.
- Military Sketches in London : The Coldstream Guards at the Tower. 1900.
- Mob of Paris Carrying Off the Guns of National Guard. 1871
- Mob of Paris Rioters Drowning a Police Agent. 1871
- More Dangerous than the Enemy : A Runaway Water Cart at the Manoeuvres. 1898.