Art and Song
Chefs-D'Oeuvre d'Art of International Exhibition
Eighteenth Century Artists and Engravers
Evenings' Amusement ; or, Repertorium Comic 1838c
Goethe's Frauengestalten
Heath's Gallery of British Engravings
Hereward the Wake. 1870.
Histoire de Gil Blas
History of England
History of Surrey
Hogarth Restored
Life of our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ
Oeuvres De P. et Th Corneille. Nouvelle Edition.
Pictures and Royal Portraits
Pictures by Maclise
Pictures by Venetian Painters
Ports, Harbours, & Coastal Scenes
Rogers's Poems
The Complete Works of William Hogarth
The Gallery of Engravings
The Gallery of Pictures.
The Self-Interpreting Bible, by the Rev. J. Brown