Hogarth Restored - Shop
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- "Hogarth Restored" : Martin Folkes. 1802.
- £75.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Sancho at the Feast Starved by his Physician. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Paul before Felix. 1803
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Idle Prentice turn'd away, and sent to Sea. Plate 5. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : "The Bench." & "Sarah Malcolm."
- £80.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : (Plate II.) England.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Second Stage of Cruelty. 1892.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : "Caricaturas. & Characters." & "Time Smoking a Picture.'" 1802
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : "The Farmer's Return." & "The Battle of the Pictures." 1802.
- £80.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Analysis of Beauty Plate 1.
- £75.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : First Stage of Cruelty. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Frontispiece. 1802.
- £75.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Hudibras Encounters the Skimmington. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Hudibras Vanquish'd by Trussa, & Hudibras in Tribulation. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : Industry and Idleness. The Fellow 'Prentices at their Looms. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Beggars Opera. & A Just view of the British Stage, or Three Heads are better than one, Scene Newgate.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Company of Undertakers. & The Lecture. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Idle 'Prentice at Play in the Church Yard, during Divine Service. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Idle 'Prentice return'd from Sea, & in a Garret with a common Proftitute. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Idle Prentice Executed at Tyburn. 1892.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Industrious 'Prentice a Favourite and entrusted by his Master. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Industrious 'Prentice Alderman of London, the Idle one brought before him & impeach'd by his Accomplice. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Industrious 'Prentice grown rich, & Sheriff of London. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Industrious 'Prentice Lord Mayor of London. 1802.
- £100.00
- "Hogarth Restored" : The Industrious Prentice performing by Duty of a Christian. 1802.
- £100.00