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- Opening of the New Docks at West Hartlepool. 1856.
- £12.00
- Opening of the New Steam Basin at Portsmouth 1848.
- £11.50
- Opening of the New Steam Basin at Portsmouth. 1848
- £10.00
- Opening of the Plymouth Great Western Docks. 1857.
- £12.00
- Our Iron-Clad Fleet : H.M.S. Lord Clyde. 1867.
- £12.00
- Our Ironclad Fleet : H.M.S. Agincourt. 1867.
- £12.00
- Panoramic View of Gallipoli.
- £15.00
- Pleasure Steam-Boat for River Excursions between Kingston and Oxford. 1882.
- £8.50
- Portsmouth. 1859.
- £11.00
- President Loubet's Arrival at Dover : The French Cruiser, "Guichen." 1903
- £12.50
- Prince Fushimi's Departure for Canada on the Canadian Pacific Liner, "Empress of Ireland." 1907
- £12.00
- Progress of Princess Alexandra (Princess of Wales) : The Squadron at the Nore Saluting the Royal Yacht. 1863
- £12.50
- Race in the Channel between the Atalanta Twin-Screw Steamer and the Dover Mail-Packet Empress. 1864.
- £11.00
- Raising of the "Earl Grey," Coasting Vessel. 1848
- £10.00
- Remains of the Iron Steam-Ship "Benares." 1848.
- £8.00
- Rioting at the Royal Albert Docks, Federation Men, Stoned by the Strikers. 1891.
- £12.00
- Royal Barge Passing London-Bridge. 1849
- £10.00
- Royal Mail Steamer "Tartar"
- £11.00
- Russian Steam-Boat, with a Flag of Truce bringing Despatches for Admiral Dundas. 1855.
- £12.00
- Samaritans at Sea : A White Star Liner Re-Victualling a Barque in Mid-Ocean. 1878.
- £12.00
- Sandgate Life-Boatmen's Plucky Rescue of the Crew of the Ship Benvenue. 1891.
- £12.00
- Scene in the Chief Cabin of the "Princess Royal."- Sketched after the Return from Kertch. 1855
- £14.50
- Scene in the Mersey after a Gale : Ships Outward Bound. 1870.
- £8.00
- Scientific Progress during Sixty Years : Locomotion by Land and Sea in 1837 and in 1897.
- £15.00
- Seen from a Porthole : The Glory of the Tall Ship. 1928.
- £10.00