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- Launch of the Ariel Steamer at Rotherhithe. 1844
- £14.00
- Launch of the City of Dublin Life-Boat at the Custom-House Quay, Dublin. 1867.
- £11.00
- Launch of the Dublin Trinity Yacht Princess Alexandra at Blackwall. 1863.
- £11.00
- Launch of the Emperor of Russia's New Schooner Yacht, and Visit of His Son, the Grand Duke Constantine, at Cowes. 1846.
- £12.00
- Launch of the Great Republic Steam-Ship at New York. 1867.
- £11.00
- Launch of the Masonic Lifeboat "Albert Edward," at Clacton-on-Sea, on Wednesday, 10th Inst. 1878.
- £12.00
- Launch of the New Ironclad "Alexandra" - Preliminary Sketches of the Vessel. 1875.
- £12.50
- Launch of the Paramatta, at Blackwall. 1858.
- £8.50
- Launch of the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steam-ship the "Vectis."at Cowes. 1853.
- £12.50
- Launch of the Screw Steam-Frigate "Ariadne" at Deptford Dockyard. 1859.
- £12.00
- Launching of H.M. Ships the Royal Sovereign and the Royal Arthur by the Queen. 1891.
- £13.50
- Life on Board a Messageries Maritimes Steamer. 1882
- £12.50
- Life on Board the "Ophir" : During the Empire Tour of the Duke of Cornwall. 1901
- £12.50
- Liverpool : The Mersey on the 10th Inst.- H.M.S. Majestic Firing a Royal Salute. 1863.
- £12.00
- Mr. Gladstone's Holiday Cruise on Board the "Pembroke Castle". 1883.
- £12.50
- New Australian Clipper-Ship the Royal Family. 1862
- £11.50
- New Foreign Baggage Warehouse, St. Katherine's Docks. 1845.
- £12.00
- New Torpedo Boat (No. 79). Built by Messrs.Yarrow and Co. for the British Government. 1887.
- £11.50
- Notes of a Long Sea Voyage. 1889.
- £12.00
- Ocean Steam Navigation. 1850.
- £12.00
- On Board an Emigrant Ship - The Last Hour off Gravesend. 1875.
- £14.50
- On Board an Emigrant Ship- "Land, Ho!" 1871.
- £12.00
- On Board the Cunard Steamship "Etruria" - 1885
- £14.50
- On Board the Training Ship "Britannia" : Boys Dancing "The Lancers" during Officers' Dinner-Hour. 1899.
- £12.00
- Opening of the inner Dock at Southampton. 1859.
- £10.00