Birds - Shop
Products In This Category:
- Calling from the Roots. 1915.
- £11.50
- Canaries and British and Foreign Cage Birds at the Crystal Palace. 1890.
- £11.00
- Capercailzie.- "Amongst the Broken Pine Tops." 1915.
- £12.00
- Carrier Pigeons in the Champs Elysee, Paris. 1879.
- £8.50
- Chaffinches. 1898.
- £12.00
- Cockerham Gullery. 1906.
- £8.50
- Early Morning Marauders.- Black Game on the Stooks. 1921.
- £11.00
- Feasting and Fasting.- A Plea for the Birds. 1878.
- £9.00
- Feeding the Pigeons in Ely Place. 1880.
- £14.50
- Feeding the Wildfowl in Battersea Park. 1887.
- £8.50
- First Birds of Paradise at the Zoo. "Fine Feathers make Fine Birds." 1905
- £11.50
- Friends or Foes ?. 1887. (Birds).
- £12.50
- Golden Eagle and Wild Geese.- A Scene in the Highlands. 1906.
- £12.00
- Hawk Mobbed by Hooded Crows. 1900.
- £12.00
- Heron and Hawk. 1878.
- £12.00
- In Owl-Land. 1892-93.
- £12.50
- In the Quiet of Springtime.- Mallard on Nest. 1913.
- £12.00
- In Their Northern Home. 1909
- £14.50
- Magpie-Larks of Australia, recently added to the Royal Zoological Society's collection in their Gardens , Regent's Park. 1863.
- £9.00
- Mantchouri Cranes in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. 1857.
- £9.00
- Moulting of the Young King Penguin. 1920.
- £11.50
- My Bones Bleached on the Eagle's Eyrie." 1875.
- £8.00
- New bird.- The Goliah Aratoo. 1845.
- £12.00
- New Bird.-(Balaeniceps Rex), from the White Nile. 1851.
- £8.50
- On Whistling Wings. 1913.
- £12.00