Products In This Category:
- The Late Mr. William Edward Hartpole Lecky. 1903
- £11.50
- The Late Mr. Wombwell. 1850.
- £8.50
- The Late Mrs. Fry. 1845
- £10.00
- The Late Prince Bismarck. 1898
- £12.50
- The Late Professor De Morgan. & The Late Dr. Robert Chambers. 1871.
- £11.00
- The Late Professor Palmer, Murdered by Bedouins in the Nakhl Desert. 1882.
- £10.50
- The Late Professor Theodor Mommsen. 1903
- £11.50
- The Late Professor Thomas Henry Huxley. 1895.
- £12.50
- The Late Queen Louise of Denmark. 1898.
- £13.00
- The Late Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1882.
- £10.00
- The Late Rev. Charles Kingsley, Canon of Westminster. 1875.
- £14.50
- The Late Right Hon. Matthew Talbot Baines.
- £15.00
- The Late Right Hon. Russell Gurney, Q.C., M.P. 1878.
- £11.00
- The Late Right Hon. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. 1908
- £11.50
- The Late Right Hon. The Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G.
- £15.00
- The Late Right Honourable Matthew Talbot Baines. 1860c.
- £13.50
- The Late Robert Stephenson, Esq. C.E. 1860c.
- £13.50
- The Late Robert Stephenson. 1860.
- £18.00
- The Late Sir Benjamin Baker and some of His Mighty Works. 1907
- £11.50
- The Late Sir Charles Lyell, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S., Etc. 1875.
- £14.50
- The Late Sir Edwin Landseer, 1875.
- £12.00
- The Late Sir Francis Grant, President of the Royal Academy. 1878.
- £11.00
- The Late Sir James Paget.
- £18.50
- The Late Sir Jamsetjer Jeejeebhoy, Bart. 1859.
- £12.00
- The Late Sir John Franklin. 1860.
- £15.00