Products In This Category:
- The Late Herbert Spencer. 1903
- £12.00
- The Late James Hain Friswell. 1878.
- £11.00
- The Late James Russell Lowell. 1891.
- £11.50
- The Late Lady Evelyn Anson. 1895.
- £11.00
- The Late Lieut.-Colonel F. H. Browning. C.B.E.
- £10.50
- The Late Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Stewart, Director-General of the Indo-European Telegraph. 1865
- £12.50
- The Late Lord Bishop of London : The Right Rev. Mandell Creighton. 1901
- £11.50
- The Late Lord Leighton, President of the Royal Academy.
- £14.50
- The Late Lord Leitrim. 1878.
- £11.00
- The Late Lord Lonsdale. 1882.
- £7.50
- The Late Lord Wharncliffe. 1845
- £10.00
- The Late M. Corot, French Painter. 1875.
- £14.50
- The Late M. Dupin, French Judge and Senator.
- £12.50
- The Late Mark Firth, Sheffield's Josiah Mason. 1880.
- £11.00
- The Late Marquis of Lansdowne. 1863.
- £11.00
- The Late Monsieur Jullien. 1860c.
- £13.50
- The Late Mr. A. H. Thursday. 1912
- £12.50
- The Late Mr. Anthony Trollope. 1882.
- £12.50
- The Late Mr. Arthur W. Gore. (Tennis Player)
- £10.50
- The Late Mr. B.R. Haydon. - From a Painting by Mr. T.H. Illidge. 1846
- £13.50
- The Late Mr. Cecil Lawson. (Artist). 1882.
- £12.50
- The Late Mr. George Edmund Street, R.A. : Architect of the New Law Courts. 1882.
- £10.00
- The Late Mr. George Street, R.A. 1881.
- £8.00
- The Late Mr. H. R. Trafford. 1912
- £12.50
- The Late Mr. Hablot K. Browne. (Phiz) 1882.
- £12.50