London Buildings, Housing, & Docks. - Shop
Products In This Category:
- "Charing-Cross," from a Picture by Canaletto. 1864.
- £12.00
- "Olympia" at Kensington. 1886.
- £14.50
- A Hard Frost in the Streets of London. 1865.
- £12.00
- A Peep at St. Paul's and "The Times" Office from Underground. 1875.
- £12.00
- A Pilgrimage to Edmonton. 1883.
- £12.50
- Alexandra House, Kensington Gore, the New Home for Lady Students in London. 1887.
- £12.00
- Art, Commerce, and Convenience. Waring & Gillow. (New Premises) 1905.
- £11.00
- Billingsgate Fish Market. 1879.
- £12.00
- Billingsgate Fish Market. 1879.
- £12.00
- Bits of Old London : Lincoln's Inn. 1887.
- £13.50
- Bits of Old London. 1884
- £14.50
- Building Proposed to be Erected in the Alexandra Park, Muswell-Hill. 1864.
- £12.00
- Central Electric Telegraph Station, Lothbury. 1848
- £10.00
- City Improvements : Messrs. Thomas Tapling, Beall, and Co.'s New Warehouse, and the Entrance to Haberdashers' Hall, Gresham-Street. 1867.
- £12.50
- Congregational Memorial Hall, Farringdon-Street. London. 1875.
- £14.50
- Craven Cottage, Fulham. 1884
- £14.50
- Diphtheria at Woolwich - Exterior and interior of Condemned Huts on the Common. 1875.
- £12.00
- Distress in the East of London : The Spitalfields Soup Kitchen. 1867.
- £12.00
- Exterior of the New Ball-Room, Buckingham Palace. 1856.
- £11.00
- Great Anti-Slavery Demonstration at Exeter Hall. 1863.
- £12.00
- Growing London : Sketches in the Western Suburbs. 1884.
- £12.50
- Home for Orphan Boys at Swanley. New Town Hall, Dover. Westminster Town Hall. 1883.
- £12.00
- Hotel Great Central, London. 1899.
- £12.50
- Interior of Lowther Arcade, Strand, London. 1845.
- £10.00
- London Improvements : Portion of the Site of St. Thomas's Hospital, and Charing-Cross Railway works, in Southwark. 1863.
- £12.00