Army : Including War Time. - Shop
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- War Correspondents in Danger from the Afridis. 1897.
- £12.50
- War in South Africa - the Call for more Yeomanry. 1901
- £11.50
- War Preparations in England : Purchasing Cavalry Remounts at a Country Fair. 1878.
- £12.00
- War's Victims : Arrival at Portsmouth of the First Batch of Wounded from Egypt. Transferring the sick from the "Carthage" to the Train en route for
- £12.50
- War-Rockets and their Manufacture, and The Minie Rifle. 1855
- £11.50
- Warning to the Boers : Sir Evelyn Wood's Watchword to our Troops :- "HALT!". 1881.
- £10.00
- Watching and Waiting. - By C. Seppings Wright. 1900
- £13.50
- Watching the Fight : Lord Roberts and His Staff Witnessing the Final Phases of the Action of Driefontein. 1900.
- £11.50
- Watching the Fight : Th Staff of the Yeomanry Hospital at Roodeval. 1900.
- £11.00
- Waterproof Clothing for the Army in the Crimea. 1855
- £11.00
- West Essex Yeomanry Cavalry. 1853.
- £12.50
- Where the Boche Interns British Civilians : A Bird's-Eye view of the Camp at Ruhleben. 1916.
- £12.00
- Where the Hun will Stare no more : A German Periscope revealed by a Shell. 1916.
- £12.00
- Where Tommy Atkins' Gloves are Made. 1898.
- £12.00
- Why a New Land Torpedo was Rejected by the War Office. 1900.
- £11.00
- Why the War News Tarrieth Long by the Way. 1901
- £11.50
- Winan's Steam-Battery, Invented by Dickinson. 1861
- £12.50
- Wireless Telegraphy on the Battlefield. 1907
- £11.50
- With Admiral Seymour's Relief Column : Crossing the River on Junks to Attack a Chinese Arsenal. 1900.
- £11.00
- With Buller to Ladysmith. 1900
- £14.50
- With Buller to Ladysmith. 1900
- £14.50
- With Colonel Hickman's Flying Column : A Race for a Springbok. 1900.
- £11.00
- With Colonel Plumer's Force on the Road to Mafeking : A Suspicious Cloud of Dust. 1900.
- £11.50
- With General Linievitch before the Great Battle of Mukden - An Ambulance Column. 1905
- £11.50
- With Lord Roberts in the Free State : The Arrest of a Dutch Suspect. 1900.
- £11.00