Navy - Shop
Products In This Category:
- Admiral Sir William Montagu Dowell, K.C.B. 1896
- £11.00
- "A Fleet in Being". 1898.
- £12.00
- "A Welcome Home" : The Banquet to the Company of H.M.S. "St. George" at Portsmouth. 1898.
- £12.50
- "Arctic Reminiscences." Written by Admiral Sir R. Vesey Hamilton, G.C.B.
- £11.00
- "For those in Peril on the Sea." (The Great War 1914-18.)
- £12.00
- "On and After February 18 : Germany's Threat against Merchant Vessels. 1915.
- £10.00
- "Promotion Hook" on San Giovanni Steps at Malta. 1900.
- £11.00
- "Sealing" Portsmouth Harbour.- How it was done a Century ago. 1905.
- £12.00
- "The Biggest Bluff in the History of War" : The Last Act in the Drama of Anzac. 1916.
- £13.50
- "The Recruit" Steam Gun-Boat.
- £12.50
- "Toll for the Brave, the Brave that are No More" The Great Naval Battle from the Personal Point of View. 1916.
- £12.00
- "Unfit for Further Service" : An Examination at the Naval Hospital, Haslar. 1900.
- £11.00
- "We have to Look with Anxiety, though not Fear, towards the North Sea." 1905.
- £11.50
- "Where Are the Galleons of Spain ?". 1898.
- £12.00
- A Christmas Dinner on Board a Man-O'-War. 1866.
- £10.00
- A Glorious Day for Britain's Navy. (1914 - 1918. War.)
- £11.50
- A Great Naval Power : Bow View of the U.S.A. Battleship N.Y. Passing under Brooklyn Bridge. 1915.
- £12.00
- A Lesson in Naval Gunnery : Life Guards Visiting a Battleship. 1900.
- £11.00
- A Little Chapter in Naval History : How the "Dresden" Sank off Robinson Crusoe's Island, and other Matters Relating to Count Spee's Squadron. 1915
- £11.50
- A Message for the Captain of the "Magnificent". 1896.
- £11.00
- A Military Funeral at Sea : An Incident during the Voyage Home of the 1st Life Guards on the "Assyrian Monarch." 1882.
- £12.50
- A Novel Method of Landing Horses from Transports : An Incident of the American Invasion of Cuba. 1898.
- £14.50
- A Suspect : British Patrols Examining a Merchantman. (1914 - 1918 War.)
- £11.00
- Admiral Duncan's Victory over the Dutch Fleet. (In the North Sea, October 11th, 1797.)
- £12.00
- Admiral Gervais's Flag-Ship : The French Fleet at Cronstadt, Viewed from the Mainmast of the Marengo. 1891.
- £12.50