Actors, Actresses, Playwrights, Singers, Managers - Shop
Products In This Category:
- Lady Charles Cavendish. 1934.
- £12.00
- Lady Curtoys (Miss Lena Ashwell) and Egerton Vartroy (Mr. T. B. Thalberg). 1899.
- £12.00
- Latest Photographs of Miss Garbrielle Ray. 1908.
- £12.00
- Leading Ladies at the Savoy and the Prince of Wales Theatres. 1921.
- £12.00
- Leading Lady at "The Lane" Miss Adrienne Augarde. 1907.
- £11.50
- Leading Lights of the Australian Stage : Mr. and Mrs. R. Brough in London. 1895.
- £12.00
- Light Opera Artists of Note. 1907.
- £12.00
- London Theatrical Managers : No. 1.- Mr. Bancroft. 1879.
- £9.00
- London Theatrical Managers : No. 2.- Mr. Hare. 1879.
- £8.00
- London Theatrical Managers : No. 3.- Mr. Hollingshead. 1879.
- £8.00
- Louis XIV's Beautiful Favourite. 1908.
- £12.50
- M. B.-C. Coquelin. (Actor) 1895.
- £8.00
- M. Alexandre Dumas. (Dramatist) 1895.
- £8.00
- M. Baroilhet. (Singer) 1845.
- £11.00
- M. Fortiscue. (Actress.) 1884.
- £12.50
- M. Ludovic Halevy. (Dramatist) 1895.
- £8.00
- M. Marius, as Roland-De-Roncevaux-Ramponneau in "Nemesis." 1876
- £15.00
- M. Mounet-Sully as Oedipus. 1881.
- £12.00
- M. Victor Maurel. 1876
- £14.50
- Madame Adelina Patti at Home. 1882
- £12.50
- Madame Adelina Patti. 1894.
- £12.00
- Madame Adelina Patti. 1895
- £12.50
- Madame Albani. (Opera Singer) 1895.
- £8.00
- Madame Anna Thillon. 1844
- £14.00
- Madame Antoinette Sterling, The American Contralto. 1875.
- £12.00