Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, October 15th, 1904.
- Issue.
- £24.00
For Sale is an Issue of "The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, October 15th, 1904." This issue contains 20 Pages 40 Sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume.
1- Circular Notes.
2- Our Captious Critic. "The Garden of Lies," at the St. James's Theatre.
3- Bowls. Written by Harold MacFarlane.
4- Fox Hunting in Portugal.
5- Bridge. Written by "Bascule."
6- Imperial Theatre.
7- Motoring. Written by Mervyn.
8- Lawn Tennis.
9- Lacrosse.
10- The Highland Sporting Future.
11- An Early Cubbing Meet.
12- The Late Colonel Anstruther Thomson.
13- The Hastings Clay's Otter Hounds.
14- The Dairy Show. (Islington)
15- The Ridgway Coursing Club Meeting at Lytham.
16- Golf Jottings. Written by "Niblick."
17- The Royal South Bucks Ploughing Matches.
18- Newmarket and the Jockey Club.
19- The Brighton Beagles.
20- Instructions in Saving Life from Drowning given to Thames Conservancy Men, and Demonstrated by the LIfe Saving Society over 120 miles of the River.
21- The Library.
22- The Sportswoman. Written by Diana Up-to-Date.
23- Otter-Trapping in Picardy. Written by G. Charlton Anne.
24- The Magic Braces. (A Golf Story) Written by Harold Simpson.
25- Late Golf. Written by "Niblick."
Photographs and Drawings.
1- Miss Maude Fealy, The Young American Actress who has become Sir Henry Irving's leading lady. (Front Page).
2- Our Captious Critic. "The Garden of Lies," at the St. James's Theatre. Illustrated by Thomas Downey.
3- The End of the Struggle. (Fishing) Full Page Drawing by J. W. Hammick.
4- The Late Colonel Anstruther Thomson. (Portrait Photograph).
5- Trumpeter Robert Harvey, of the King's Own Norfolk Yeomanry. (Photograph of him on horseback).
6- The Lovers in "The Tempest," at His Majesty's Theatre. (Half Page Photograph showing Miss Norah Kerin as Miranda, and Mr. Basil Gill as Ferdinand.)
7- With Mr. H. Hastings Clay's Otter Hounds (Full Page showing 8 Photographs).
8- The Ridgway Coursing Club Meeting at Lytham. (Full Page showing 7 Photographs).
9- Ploughing for the King's Prize at the Royal South Bucks Show Last Week. (2 Photographs).
10- The Professional Golfers Tournament on the Mid-Surrey Links at Richmond. (Full Page showing 7 Photographs).
11- At the Kempton Park October Meeting on Saturday Last. (Half Page showing 3 Photographs).
12- The Annual Dairy Show at Islington. (Half Page showing 4 Photographs).
13- Some Successful Actresses of the Day. (Full Page showing the Following 4 Photographs).
a- Miss Evie Greene as Nan in "A Country Girl."
b- Mrs. Brown Potter (who re-opens this evening at the Savoy Theatre) at home.
c- An established favourite of Comic Opera- Miss Kitty Loftus.
d- Miss Zena Dare, who is taking Miss Ellaline Terriss's place in "The Catch of the Season," at the Vaudeville Theatre.
14- Newmarket and the Jockey Club. (Double page showing the Following 11 Photographs.)
a- Admiral the Hon. Henry John Rouse (From the painting hanging in the Coffee-Room of the Jockey Club).
b- The Card-room of the jockey Club.
c- The Frontage of the Jockey Club in Newmarket High-street.
d- The Arcade-room of the Jockey Club.
e- The Coffee-room of the Jockey Club.
f- The Jockey Club Rooms.- The King's private entrance.
g- The Jockey Club Rooms from the Lawn. (The Royal Apartments).
h- The Dining-room of the jockey Club, showing paintings of Isinglass, Flying Fox, and Ladas on wall.
i- The Committee-room of the Jockey Club.
j- Newmarket High-street on an ordinary day.
k- Newmarket High-street on a racfe day.
15- "Gibson Girls," in "The Catch of the Season," at the Vaudeville Theatre. (Showing the Following Two Photographs.)
a- Miss Elsie Kaye.
b- Miss Canille Clifford.
16- With the Brighton (Foot) Beagles on Saturday Last.
(Full Page showing 6 Photographs).
17- The Wild Cattle of Chillingham, which were thinned out at a Shoot last week, held on the occasion of the Visit of the Grand Duke Johann Albrecht of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to the Earl of Tankerville. (Double Page Print of a painting by Basil Bradley R.W.S.)
18- The Lytham and St. Anne's Club Meeting.- Mr. John Ball Jun., Wins the Scratch Prize. (Full Page showing 9 Photographs).
19- Instructions in Saving lIfe from Drowning given the Thames Conservancy Men, and demonstrated by the life Saving Society over 170 miles of the River. (Full Page showing 7 Photographs).
20- "Hail Smiling Morn !" A Booarder Foray at Brighton on the Olden Time. (Half Page Drawing by F. Barnard.)
21- "His Highness, My Husband."- The "Fantastic Comedy" at the Comedy Theatre. (Half Page showing 2 Photographs).
22- The Library. (Showing the Following 3 Photographs)
a- Baghdad.
b- A Russian Post-Road in Asia.
c- Station of Lake Baikal.
23- The Late Mr. John Hollingshead. (Small Portrait Photograph).
24- Wounded Game Birds.- A Red-Legged Partridge. (Small Drawing).
25- Mrs. Lane-Joynt. ("The Golden Light" at the Savoy Theatre.) (Small Portrait Photograph)
26- Golf. Ladies on the Kilspindie Links, Edinburgh.- Driving off the first Tee. (Photograph)
27- Otter-trapping in Picardy. (Photograph).
28- Miss Kitty Gordon, of the Apollo Theatre, who was married to Captain H. Beresford, at St. James's Church, Last Thirsday Week. (Portrait Photograph)
29- Dundee Shield for the Natal Rifle Association. (Small Photograph).
1- Vinolia Soap. (Half Page)
2- The Alexander Clark Manufacturing Company. (Half Page)
3- Maple & Co. Easy Chairs. (Half Page).
4- "Scotts" Ladies'Hatters : Autumn Fashions. (Half Page)
5- The Orchestrelle Company. (Half Page)
6- The London Corset Company. (Half Page)
7- The Goldamiths & Silversmiths Company. (Half Page)
8- The INternational Fur Store. (Full Page)
9- Mappin & Webb. (Half Page)
10- Cadbury's Cocoa. (Half Page).
Condition is Very Good.