The Bystander. October 4th, 1905.
- Issue.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "The Bystander," October 4th, 1905. Number 96.
This issue contains 26 Pages, 52 Sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume.
Condition is Very Good, the Spine being strengthened with Filmoplast Tape.
1- Front Page shows a Photograph of "The Countess of Shaftesbury," a Great friend of the Princess of Wales, who will accompany Her Royal Highness to India.
2- The Weekly Article "Random Jottings."
3- The Topictator.
4- Photograph showing "An Interesting Hybrid : The Young Lion-tiger now on exhibition at the Crystal Palace."
5- Full Page Photograph called "Queen Wilhelmina's State Duties," showing the "Cermemonial Opening of the Dutch Parliament by the young Queen of Holland."
6- The Weekly Article "The Playhouses," This week talk is about "The Palace Review" - Drink and Playgoing.
7- The Weekly Article "The World's Pageant."
8- Portrait Photograph showing "Master Reggie Paul." (Pianist).
8- Small Portrait Photograph showing "Mr. Robert Inglis."
9- Small Portrait Photograph showing "Mr. R. L. Outhwaite."
10- Small Portrait Photograph showing "The Earl of Fingall."
11- Full Page showing the Following Four Portrait Photographs called "Four Talented Sisters."
a- The Countess of Westmorland.
b- The Countess of Warwick.
c- The Duchess of Sutherland.
d- Lady Angela Forbes.
12- Article called "Lord Dudley's Narrow Escape." (Boating Accident)
13- Small Portrait Photograph of "Lord Dudley."
14- Photograph of "Lady Mabel Crichton."
15- Photograph of the "Hon. G. Crichton."
16- Full Page showing an Article with the Folowing Two Photographs called "The King of Spain "En Vacance"
a- The King of Spain mountaineering in the neighbourhood of Santander.
b- The King with a quail shooting party in Sidonia.
17- Article called "The Strong Man of China."
18- Photograph of the terrible "Viceroy Is'en Ch'un Hsuen".
19- Photograph showing "A Review of the Shansi Provincial Troops by H. E. Wu Ting Pin."
20- Photograph showing "The Interior of the Yamen of the Governor of Shans."
21- Article with Photograph of Mlle. Marie Siera Rocoska, who is said to be one of the most beautiful women in Europe." (Madame Rocoska recently left the stage, and has taken the veil in an Austrian convent.)
22- Photograph showing "The Hunt for the Buried Treasure of the Inces : A view of Lake Titicaca, Peru."
23- Photograph of "Lieutenant-General Sir John French."
24- Article with Photograph showing "Baron de Forest on the Cresta Run at St. Moritz.
25- Full Page Photograph called "An Excellent Salmon Fishing Water,'"showing "The River Garry, at Killiecrankie, Pitlochry."
26- Article called "Hints for Yanks and Tips for Country Cousins." Written by Frank Elias.
27- Article with the Following Two Photographs called "Fun at Funchal : The Atlantic Fleet at Madeira."
a- Football match at Funchal, between Madeira Residents and Atlantic Squadron Team, in a temperature of 85 deg. in the shade.
b- View of Funchal, the capital of Madeira, showing the Atlantic Fleet anchored off the town.
28- Article with the Following Four Photographs called " Singapore : Government Purchase of Docks."
a- Battery Road, Singapore.
b- View of Government House, Sinapore, the residence of Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G.
c- A View of Singapore harbour.
d- A corner of Raffles Square, Singapore, named after the great English Colonist, Sir Stamford Raffles, who founded the city.
29- Article with the Following Four Photographs called "The Hungarian Crisis."
a- The Beautiful Parliament Houses in Buda-Pesth.
b- Bird's-eye view of Buda-Pesth, the Capital of Hungary.
c- Presburg, Capital of Upper Hungary.
d- The Citadel and Cathedral at Gran, formerly the Capital of Hungary.
30- Double Page Photograph showing a "Scene from "On The Quiet," the New American Play at the Comedy Theatre at which all London is Laughing."
31- Full Page showing the Following Four Quarter Page Portrait Photographs of "Four Topical Actresses."
a- Miss Norah Kerin.
b- Miss Marie Doro.
c- Miss Douglas.
d- Miss Maude Cressall.
32- Short Story "A Call From The Past." Written by Leonard Merrick.
33- Full Page Drawing called "His First Stag." Written by A. K. Macdonald.
34- The Weekly Article called "The Library."
35- The Weekly Article called "A Bookman's Gossip."
36- Article called "Golf Notes and Notions." Written by Ernest Lehmann.
37- Small Photograph of the Golfer "Willie Anderson."
38- Article called "Lawn Tennis : A Retrospect." Written by H. S. Scrivener.
39- Small Photograph of "Miss Eastlake Smith." (Tennis player)
40- Small Photograph of H. L. Doherty. (Tennis Player)
41- Portrait Photograph of "N. E. Brookes." (Tennis Player)
42- Portrait Photograph of "H. N. Marrett." (Tennis Player)
43- Half Page Photograph showing "An Unbeated Two-Year-Old : "Prestige," which won the "Grand Criterium," at the Bois de Boulogne, in great style last week.
44- Half Page Photograph of the "Inaugral meeting at Newbury Racecourse."
45- Photograph showing "Peter Latham and Ted Johnson," two famous exponents of the old and comparatively rare game of Tennis proper.
46- Full Page showing Two Rugby Photographs for "New Zealand v. Leicester : Colonial Team continue their Career of Victory."
a- New Zealand converts a try.
b- "Held"- the Leicester scrimmage forming up.
47- Half Page Photograph called "A Cruiser-Battleship," showing "H.M.S. "Natal," Launched at Barrow on Saturday."
48- Half Page Photograph called "The Growth of the Motor Industry." showing a "Special Train run by L.&N.W.R. from Glasgow to London made up of thirty-one trucks carrying Argyll cars for the new depot."
49- Photograph called "A Poisoned Trout Stream," showing "The River Derwent at Matlock, one of the finest Trout and Grayling streams in the Kingdom."
50- The Weekly Article "Frocks, Frills, and Furbelows." Written by Mrs. Jack May.
51- Article called "A Woman's Note Book." Written by Lady Phyllis.
52- Article called "The Menu : Some Economical White Soups." Written by Emilia.
53- Full Page Drawing by Thomas Maybank, called "Quips on "Quit".