The Bystander. December 13th, 1905.
- Issue.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "The Bystander," December 13th, 1905. Number 106.
This issue contains 26 Pages, 52 Sides and has been taken from a Bound Volume.
Condition is Very Good, the Spine being strengthened with Filmoplast Tape.
1- Front Page shows a Portrait Photograph called "Another Queen Victoria?." (On the Continent, the official announcement of the betrothal of Princess Ena to the young King of Spain is said to be only a question of days. In the event of becoming the King of Spain's Consort, her Highness would reign as Queen Victoria.)
2- The Weekly Article "Random Jottings."
3- The Topictator.
4- Article called "Woman," Written by Dion Clayton Calthrop.
5- Article called "Cabinet Making." (Liberal Cabinet).
6- Two Full Pages showing the Following Portrait Photographs for "The New Liberal Cabinet."
a- Mr. Lloyd-George. Earl of Elgin.
b- Mr. John Burns. Mr. R. B. Haldane.
c- Earl Carrington. Lord Tweedmouth.
d- Sir Edward Grey. Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman.
e- Sir Robert Reid. Mr. Herbert Gladstone.
f- Mr. Sydney Buxton. Mr. John Morley.
g- Mr. James Bryce. Mr. Asquith.
7- The Weekly Article "The World's Pageant."
8- Small Portrait Photograph of Lady Willoughby de Eresby.
9- Small Portrait Photograph of Mr. H. F. Compton, M.P.
10- Small Portrait Photograph of Sir Arthur Nicholson, Bart.
11- Small Portrait Photograph of Lord Willoughby de Eresby, M.P.
12- Small Portrait Photograph of Lady Nicholson.
13- A Article called "A Cathedral on the Stage." (The Lyceum Theatre).
14- Photograph showing "The Tsarevitch's Armed Nurses."
15- Article with Photograph showing the famous Big Game Hunter Mr. F. C. Selous.
16- Full Page showing the Following Two Half Page Photographs of "A Little Known British Colony."
a- Water Street, St. John's, Newfoundland.
b- View of St. John's, from the corner of the Bank of Montreal.
17- Full Page showing Two Half Page Photographs for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Adelphi Theatre.
18- The Weekly Article called "The Playhouses."- "The Indecision of Mr. Kingsbury" at the Haymarket.
19- "Bystander" Theatre Guide.
20- Full Page Portrait Photograph of "Miss Florence Tempest."
21- The Weekly Article "Musical Matters."
22- Article with Photographs for "The King's Training Stables at Newmarket."
23- Two Pages showing the Following Photographs for the P. and O. Liner S.S. Mooltan.
a- The Doctors Consulting Room and Surgery.
b- Single Berth Saloon on the Promenade Deck.
c- S.S. "Mooltan," P. and O. Liner, Launched August 3 Last.
d- The Saloon. (Full Page).
24- Full Page showing the Following Three Photographs from SS. "Delta."
a- First Dining Saloon.
b- The Smoke Room.
c- Three-Berth Cabin.
25- Full Page showing the Following Two Photographs for "The Prince of Wales in Delhi."
a- The Famous Mosque Jumma Musjeed.
b- The Cashmere Gate at the Entrance to the City.
26- Double Page Photograph called "The Prince of Wales in the Punjaub.," showing Amritsar, the "Fount of Immortality."
27- Full Page Photograph showing "Followers of the Blackmore Vale Hounds moving off to covert."
28- The Weekly Hunting Article with Photographs called "By Field, Stream and Covert."
29- Photograph showing "The Blackmore Vale Hounds at Templecombe House."
30- Photograph showing "The Haldon Harriers at Cockington Forge, Torquay."
31- Photograph showing the "Meet of the West Somerset Foxhounds at St. Audries, Bridgwater."
32- Photograph showing "Mornington Cannon, the famous Jockey." (on Horseback).
33- Full Page showing Five Hunting Photographs called "With the Westmeath."
34- Short Story called "Here's to the Maiden,." Written by Richard Marsh.
35- Full Page Drawing by G. L. Stampa, called "Running Down the Law."
36- Full Page showing the Following Three Photographs for "The Toy Invasion of England."
a- Making Wheels for Toy Carts.
b- In the Toy remount department.
c- Transporting an army of toys for the invasion of England.
37- Article called "Golf Notes and Notions." Written by Ernest Lehmann.
38- The Weekly Article called "The Library."
39- The Weekly Article called "The Bookman's Gossip."
40- Article called "Sport of the Week." Written by H. S. Scrivener.
41- The Weekly "Bridge" Competition Page.
42- Article called "A Woman's Note Book." Written by Lady Phyllis.
43- Article called "Currants" : Some Hints for Christmas Cooks.
44- Article called "The Menu" : Some Suggestions for a Dinner Menu. Written by Emilia.
45- The Weekly Article "Frocks, Frills, and Furbelows." Written by Mrs. Jack May.
46- Article called "Exhibition of Antiques at Messrs. Debenham and Freebody's."