The Sketch. October 5th, 1898.
- Issue.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "The Sketch," October 5th, 1898. This issue contains 26 Pages, 52 Sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume.
Condition is Good, the Spine being strengthened with Filmoplast Tape. Foxing Spots appear on some Pages.
1- The "Grandmother of Europe."
Such was the Affectionate Title Bestowed on the Dead Queen of Denmark, whose family is represented in all the great States of Europe.
2- The Martyrdom of the Devil's Island.
a- Maitre Demange. Defender of Dreyfus. Written by M. Betham-Edwards.
b- The Light Side of the Case. Written by G. A. Raper.
3- Full Page Advert for "The Encyclopaedia Britannica."
4- Small Talk of the Week.
5- The Poet as Dramatic Critic.
Wherein is set forth the High Opinion Entertained by Mr. Browning the Poet of Miss Alma Murray the Actress.
6- Fresh Light on Omar Khayyam. Written by William Simpson.
7- Korea of Yesterday and To-day.
8- The Literary Lounger.
9- Theatrical Gossip.
10- The Vanished Art of the Sampler. Which Childish Fingers worked Long Years ago.
11- The Comedy Francaise.
12- "Trilby" in Copenhagen.
13- The Art of the Day.
14- Hors D'Oeuvres. Written by Marmiton.
15- The Dust-Yards of London.
16- The Northern Meeting.
17- A Novel in a Nutshell. : The Law of Compensation. Wriiten by May Bateman.
18- Water Springs.
19- A Bicycle Boat.
20- A Regimental Pet. (The Welch Goat.)
21- Society of Wheels.
22- The World of Sport. Written by captain Coe.
23- Our Ladies' Pages. : Frocks and Furbelows. Written by Sybil.
24- City Notes.
Photographs and Illustrations.
1- Front Page shows a Photograph of "The Late Queen of Denmark and Her Three Daughters."
2- Princess Louise, Daughter of George II.
3- Caroline Matilda. : Sister of George III, Wife of Christian VII. of Denmark.
4- Full Page Photograph showing "Miss Minnie Hunt in "A Greek Slave."
5- Dreyfus's Defender.
6- The Degradation of Captain Dreyfus : Marching the Prisoner to the Parade D'Execution, January 5, 1895. (Drawing).
7- Sir George Grey's House.
8- The Hospital Steamer "Mayflower" awaiting the Arrival of Sick Soldiers at Assoan.
9- The Northern Meeting at Inverness : The Competing Pipers.
10- Casket Presented to Sir Arthur Havelock.
11- A Victorian Almanac of sixty years ago.
12- Going to Church on a Traction Engine.
13- "Bull" and "Cow" Fish.
14- Miss Coyne Fletcher.(Small Portrait Photograph)
15- A Philanthropic Parsee Lady. (Small Portrait Photograph)
16- Miss Sadie Cushing. (Small Portrait Photograph)
17- The Lerina Monastery.
18- The Highest Windmill in England.
19- The Moulin Rouge, Paris.
20- The Earl of Seafield.
21- The Countess of Seafield.
22- Miss Sylvia Madden, of Victoria, who has Married the Governor's Aide.
23- Fourteen Races are represented on the Deck of the Steamer.
24- A Scene from "Adam Bede," as Played at an Indian Hill Station.
25- Mrs. Snape.
26- What an Old Dutch really looked like.
27- Thatched Cottage at Camberwell, Described by William Black.
28- A Dutch Belle.
29- Full Page showing the Following 4 Quarter Page Photograph of "Some Clever Amateur Dancers."
a- Miss Cole.
b- Miss Vivian Vowles.
c- Miss Olive Barlow.
d- Miss Maggie Ford.
30- The Royal Marines at Home.
a- Drummers' Barrack-Room.
b- Privates' Barrack-Room.
c- Men's Billiard-Room.
d- Wet Canteen.
31- Miss Alma Murray as Beatrice Cenci.
32- Two Full Page Photograph's showing "Miss Aileen D'Orme in "The Royal Star," at the Prince of Wales's Theatre.
33- Miss Saqui in "A Greek Slave," at Daly's Theatre.
34- Two Photographs for "Yankee Doodle Dandy," at the Casino Theatre, New York.
35- The Vanished Art of the Sampler.
a- Darned Samplers of 1796 and 1797.
b- A Map of Middlesex, 1781.
c- Sampler made in the Year of the Queen's Coronation.
d- A Sampler that has been used as a Toilet-Cover.
e- Sampler described as "An Accurate Representation of Solomon's Temple."
36- Anna Larsen as Trilby at the Folks Theatre.
37- General Hunbert. (Bust).
38- A Specimen of Granite Statuary.
39- Full page Drawing by R. Caton Woodville showing "The 6th Dragoon Guards (1898)
40- Full Page Drawing by R. Caton Woodville showing "The 6th Dragoon Guards (1798)
41- "Pick-me-Up" in the "Press Ballet" at the Empire.
42- "The Illustrated London News" in the "Press Ballet."
43- The Dust-Yards of London.
a- Dust Sorters.
b- Cinder Sifters.
c- Vegetable Refuse of the City of London Corporation Dust-Yard.
d- Dust-Yard of the City of London Corporation.
e- Loading Barges.
f- Corporation of the City of London Dust-Yard.
44- The Light Side of Nature. (Full Page Drawing by Dudley Hardy.)
45- Full page Photograph called "Eileen."
(A Photographic Study by Talma, Melbourne.)
46- Full Page Photograph showing "Miss Kathleen Francis in "A Greek Slave," at Daly's Theatre.
47- Water Springs.
a- The Well-Head at Wendover, one of the Head Springs of the Thames.
b- A Stream in the bottom of one of the Grand Junction Reservoirs, Tring.
48- A Bicycle Boat that goes 12 miles an hour.
49- "The Welch Goat."
50- Full Page showing the Following 4 Quarter Page Photographs.
a- Miss Mimi St. Cyr.
b- "DDeyo."
c- Mr. Scott Russell in "The Dandy Fifth," at the Duke of York's Theatre. (2 Photographs).
51- Cyclists on Brighton Beach : An Interesting Yarn.
52- The Baroness Von Rahden, at the Empire.
53- Our Ladies' Pages. (Showing the Following Drawings).
a- A Pretty Winter Walking Dress.
b- A Braided Tailor-Made.
c- An Autumn Cape.
54- The Marquis of Dufferin. : Chairman of the London and Globe Finance Corporation. (Small Engraving).