The Sketch. August 10th, 1898.
- Issue.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "The Sketch," August 10th, 1898. This issue contains 26 pages, 52 sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume.
Condition is Very Good, the Spine being strengthened with Filmoplast Tape.
1- How Bismarck Altered the Map of Europe. Written by Charles Lowe.
2- "Bradshaw." (Railway Guide).
3- Railway Announcements.
4- Small Talk of the Week.
5- The Timber Tallyman. Written by Edward Vizetelly.
6- The Book and its Story. "A Romance of the First Consult". (Napoleon as a Lover.)
7- A Novel in a Nutshell. - The Galloping Horse. Written by R. Murray Gilchrist.
8- The Art of the Day.
9- The Editing of Mr. Augustine Birrell. Showing How he treated Robert Browning.
10- The Tar and the Jap.
11- Elephant-Shooting in Somaliland. Written by J. Johnston-Srewart.
12- The Living Characters of Dickens.
13- Hors D'oeuvres. Written by Marmiton.
14- With Celestine at Earl's Court. Written by Gelett Burgess.
15- Lady Cathcart's Elkhound and Collies.
16- Is Croquet Alive ?
17- Australian Birds. - Terns and Plovers.
18- Curious Houses.
19- A Song of August. "The Outland Rose," written by Nora Hopper.
20- The Gentle Art of Bowling.
21- The Literary Lounger.
22- "The Shooting Season Begins."
23- Gossip abouth the Theatres.
24- Rearing Wild Ducks.
25- Some Bird Books.
26- The World of Sport.
a- Racing Notes. Written by Captain Coe.
b- The Britannia Beagles.
27- Society on Wheels.
28- Our Ladies' Pages. Written by Sybil.
29- City Notes.
Photographs and Engravings.
1- Front Page shows a Bust called "Cromwell at Westminster."
2- The Latest Picture of Bismarck (1898).
3- The Last Meeting of the Emperor and Bismarck at Friedrichsruh.
4- Bismarck's Home at Friedrichsruh.
5- How Bismarck Altered the Map of Europe. (Full Page showing 2 Maps)
6- Bismarck's Study at Friedrichsruh.
7- The Room in which Bismarck Died.
8- The Great Druce Mystery : is the Coffin beneath this Stone filled with Lead ?
9- A Ceylon Postmaster.
10- The Kitchen of "The Blues."
11- Officers of the Mounted Rifles, Cape Colony.
12- Retorted Gold from Matabeleland.
13- Dunmow.
14- The "Cromartyshire" Lying at Halifax.
15- The Hon. Mrs. Cecil Howard and her Dogs.
16- This Ram was Sold for One Thousand Guineas.
17- The Last of Gosling's Bank is in this Basket.
18- The Soudanese Tommy's Shilling issued by Gordon at Khartoum.
19- Ten Feet Beneath the Level of Fleet Street.
20- The House, 387, Commercial Road Landport, where Dickens was Born.
21- The Old Bell Inn, Holborn, showing the Bust of Napoleon.
22- How Mr. Frank Wheeler was Welcomed Home at the Opera House, Cape Town.
23- The Death of Alcestis (At Melbourne), Admetus and one of the children kneeling beside her.
24- Miss Edyth Olive.
25- A Monument to Maupassant.
26- Miss Juliette Nesville as a Boy.
27- Miss Juliette Nesville Singing a French Song. (Full Page Photograph).
28- The Timber Tallyman.
a- Two Big Timber-Boats.
b- Planks Going Over.
c- From the Hold for Over the Side.
d- Receiving Planks in a Lighter.
e- A Line of Lighters, Plank-Laden.
f- Tallying.
g- A Beer-Boy going his Rounds.
h- The British Workman is Thirsty.
i- Stacks of Timber.
j- Timber-Wagons Leave the Docks all Day Long the Year Round.
29- Full Page Photograph of "Miss Dorothea Baird as Rosalind."
30- A Church Lottery in Spain. - W. E. Lockhart. (Exhibited at the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours).
31- The British Jack Tar and the Japanese God.
32- The Living Characters of Dickens.
a- Florence Dombey (Miss Loveless).
b- Mrs. Squeers (Miss Drummond Hay).
33- A Dickens Gallery : Impersonated at Broadstairs. (Showing the Following Quarter Page Photographs.)
a- Miss Tox (Miss May).
b- Mrs. Bardell (Mrs. Day).
c- Kate Nickleby (Miss Wallace), and Little Dorrit (Miss Taylor).
d- Mrs. Nickleby (Mrs. Gratwick).
e- Agnes Wickfield (Miss Hood).
f- Mrs. Gamp (Miss Cowell).
g- Mercy Pecksniff (Miss Croome), and Tigg Montague (Mr. Croome).
h- Mr. Jingle (Mr. A. Richardson Carlin).
34- Many of our Fellow-Countrymen, like Helen's Babies, "Want to see the Wheels go Round." (From a Photograph by Bolas, Oxford Street, W.)
35- Lady Cathcart's Elkhound and Collies.
a- Lady Cathcart and Her Elkhound, Jager.
b- Pet Toy Terrier, Frau.
c- The Collie, Flora.
36- The Light Side of Nature. (Showing a Full Page Drawing by Gunning King).
37- Is Croquet Alive ?
a- Miss Lloyd Griffiths.
b- Mrs. Spong.
c- Miss Maud Drummond.
d- Miss Elphinston Smith.
38- Australian Terns.
39- Australian Plovers.
40- In Memory of Bismarch : A Statue for Berlin.- Herr Begas. (Full Page Photograph).
41- Curious Houses.
a- This is a House a Book Built. (George Grote House in East Burnham Park).
b- Norwegian Chalet at Bridlington Quay.
c- A Cliff Dwelling in New Zealand.
d- A Bush Cobbler in New Zealand.
42- Full Page Drawing by Gilbert James, called "The Flying Dutchman, I am He !".
43- Miss Edna May and Her Sister.
44- Miss Frances Earle.
45- Rearing Wild Ducks.
a- Young Wild Ducks.
b- A Group of One Hundred Stock-Birds.
46- Trophy called "The "Britannia" Beagles. (For the ward-room Mess of the Britannia).
47- Robert Abel. (Cricketer).
48- A Little South African Cyclist.
49- Pinfold, who Won the Brighton Cup. (Racehorse).
50 Our Ladies' Pages. (Showing the Following Drawings).
a- A Original Summer Frock.
b- Useful For The Country.
c- An Ideal Dress for the Garden.