Black & White. May 7th, 1892.
- Edition.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "Black & White, May 7th, 1892." This issue contains 16 Pages, 32 Sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume, therefore, the Binding holes are showing.
Condition is Very Good.
1- Front Page Engraving is Drawn by Enoch Ward from a Sketch by M. Feuillet, and called "The Recent Anarchist Outrages in Paris," showing "The Restaurant Very, Boulevard Magenta, Wrecked by Explosives in Revenge for the Arrest of Ravachol."
2-The Weekly Article "The Passing Hour."
3- Small Portrait Engraving of "Sir James Allport."
4- Small Portrait Engraving of Mr. Lumb Stocks, R.A.
5- Small Portrait Engraving of "Dr. Thomas Bramah Diplock."
6- Engraving showing "The Recent Anarchist Outrages in Paris - The Police Keeping back the Crowd after the Explosion at the Cafe Very, Boulevard Magenta."
7- The Weekly Article "On The Smoking-Room." Written by Barry Pain.
8- The Weekly Article "The Drama." Written by Hafiz.
9- Full page Engraving called "May is Come Again."- From the Painting by A. Artigue in the Salon De Champs De Mars, 1891.
10- The Weekly Article "Parliamentary Notes." Written by The Parliamentary Hand.
11- Article called "The World We Live In. No. XVIII." Showing a Play called "Prevention No Cure."
12- Article called "The Royal Academy." (Second Notice.)
13- Pictures and Sculpture at the Royal Academy. (Showing the following 8 Pages, 16 Sides, of Pictures)
1- "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind" - Sir J. E. Millais, Bart., R.A.
2- Sweethearts - W. Dendy Sadler.
3- Scandal and Tea - W. Dendy Sadler.
4- Lynn Ferry - Robert W. Macbeth.
5- The Brimming River - Charles W. Wyllie.
6- A Kiss - L. Alma-Tadema, R.A.
7- The Parish Registrar of Births and Deaths - Ralph Hedley.
8- Old Memories - Frank Bramley.
9- The Sea-Wolf's Hostage - E. Matthew Hale.
10- The Market Place, Bruges - Flora M. Reid.
11- The Gunpowder Plot : The Conspirators' Last Stand, Holbeach House - Ernest Crofts, A.R.A.
12- El Corregidor - G. C. Hindley.
13- Mrs. Cyril Grant - Arthur S. Cope.
14- A Summer Night - S. Melton Fisher.
15- The Middleman - W. Dendy Sadler.
16- A Corner of the Lake - L. E. Nightingale.
17- Charles I. at Edhehill - E. Crofts, A.R.A.
18- The Great Auk's Egg-The Collector's Treasure - H. Stacy Marks, R.A.
19- Mrs. Herbert S. Leon - Luke Fildes, R.A.
20- Mrs. Val Prinsep - S. Melton Fisher.
21- Allhallow-Tide - Frank Walton.
22- In the Forest of Arden - Hon. John Collier.
23- Twelfth Night - Olivia and Viola in the Garden - T. F. Dicksee.
24- A Wedding Morning - John H. F. Bacon.
25- Bethany, The Home of Martha and Mary - Herbert Schmalz.
26- "Dont Be Frightened!" - Fred Morgan.
27- A Minuet - Mrs. Stanhope A. Forbes.
28- Plymouth Old Harbour, 1891 : Early Morn : The Cradle of our Navy - J. Buxton Knight.
29- The Haunt of the Roe-Deer - Niels M. Lund.
30- Syrinx - Arthur Hacker.
31- The Annunciation - Arthur Hacker.
32- The Convict Ship - Frank Brangwyn.
33- Haydee - Luis Falero.
34- In the Meadows at Curfew Hour - T. Sidney Cooper, R.A.
35- On a Farm at Noon - T. Sidney Cooper, R.A.
36- Victor and Violet, Children of Lord and Lady Robartes - J. Saint, R.A.
37- Singing Lesson - Carl Schloesser.
38- The Ferry - W. H. Bartlett.
39- Mordecai Refusing to do Reverence to Haman - Ernest Normand.
40- Between the Showers - J. E. Hodgson R.A.
41- The Forest Bare and Sere - W. Follen Bishop.
42- Summer Time - H. W. B. Davis, R.A.
43- The Result of High Living - Fred Hall.
44- After Rain - Niels M. Lund.
45- The Captain's the Last to Leave - Thomas M. Hamy.
46- The Pine Grove - Ernest W. Bucknall
47- The Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P. - E. Onslow Ford, A.R.A.
48- H.E. the French Ambassador, Monsieur Waddington - Edouard Lanteri.
49- Tales of Fair Cashmere - James Clark.
50- Going with the Wind - Hilda Montalba.
51- "Spring-Time, the Only Pretty Ring-Time" - Arthur Hopkins.
52- The Dog with His Master's Dinner : La Fontaine's Fables - P. Harland Fisher.
53- "My Crown and Sceptre" - T. C. Gotch.
54- "I'se Biggest!" - Arthur J. Elsley.
55- She Loves a Sailor - F. Markham Skipworth.
56- A Venetian Council of War - Sir John Gilbert, R.A.
57- Startled - Frank Dicksee, R.A.
58- Yours Faithfully - Robert Little.
59- Grey Rocks and Grey Mullet - Stanhope A. Forbes, A.R.A.
60- The Circling Hours - Phil R. Morris, A.R.A.
61- The Fairy Queen - Blanche Jenkins.
62- A New Model - W. P. Frith, R.A.
63- The Moors in Spain : Spoil - Dudley Hardy.
64- The Storm - Phil R. Morris, A.R.A.
65- In Sweet September - Yeend King.
66- Summer - G. P. Jacob-Hood.
67- Autumn Afternoon - Alfred East, R.I.
68- The Farm Ford - David Murray, A.R.A.
69- Patio De La Casa De Oleza Palma, Majorca - William F. Yeames, R.A.
70- Flower-Gathering in the South of France - William Logsdail.
71- In the Belfry of the Campanile of St. Mark's, Venice - Henry Woods.
72- A Priestess - Herbert Gandy.
73- Between Two Fires - F. D. Millet.
74- Eventide - Ernest Parton.
75- Sunset : Roman Campagna - Adrian Stokes.
76- The Peep of Day - David Farquharson.
77- Bonjour, Pierrot! - Ethel Wright.
78- Old Trees are not Mothers - J. Clayton Adams.
79- Evening Shadows - C. E. Johnson.
14- Full Page Engraving Drawn from Life by John Beer, called "Orme's Illness," showing "Professor Loeffler Extracting Part of the Decayed Tooth in John Porter's Stables, Kingsclere."
15- The Weekly Article "The Diary of a Daughter of Eve." Written by Virginia.
16- Article called "The Illness of Orme." (Racehorse)
17- Article with small Engravings called "Some Famous Drums."
18- Article on "The Recent Anarchist Outrages in Paris."
19- Full Page Advert for the "Carbolic Smoke Ball."