The Graphic, October 20th 1883.
- Edition.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "The Graphic," October 20th 1883. This issue contains 13 Pages, 26 Sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume, therefore the Binding holes are showing.
1- Topics of the Week.
a- The Reform Conference at Leeds.
b- Assizes and Sentences.
c- Cab Law.
d- M. Jules Ferry.
e- Music Halls.
f- Negro Republics.
g- Religion in Schools.
h- Football.
i- Cetewayo.
j- The French Vintage. (Wine).
k- Trade Lies.
2- Home News.
a- After the Conservatives, the Liberals.
b-Lieutenant-General Sir H. W. Norman, C.I.E.
c- The Great Western Railway Tunnel Under the Severn.
d- The Demand of the Yorkshire and North Midland Colliers for 15%.
e- A Violent Storm.
f- The Fisheries Exhibition.
g- Autumnal Meeting of the Evangelical Alliance.
h- The Mansion House Fund.
i- A Site for the New University College of North Wales at Bangor will shortly be secured.
3- Theatres.
4- Scraps.
a- The Huge Electric Light Tower at Hell Gate.
b- The Quickest Delivery of the American Mails in Paris.
c- Two Fine American Buffaloes.
d- A Perpetual Hint Against Concession to Rome.
e- German National Monument.
f- The Inevitable Sea serpent.
g- The Establishment of a Common Prime Meridian.
h- A Fungas Foray.
i- An Artificial Baby.
j- A Curious Lunatic Exhibition.
k- The Last Centennial Celebration of the American War of Independence.
l- Life in the Arctic Regions.
m- Political Personalities.
n- A Burlesque Art Display.
5- Foreign News.
a- M. Jules Ferry.
b- Spain.
c- Austria.
d- Russia.
6- The Court.
7- Music.
a- Crystal Palace.
b- Leeds Musical Festival.
c- Signor Schira.
d- Waifs.
8- Anthony Trollope's Autobiography.
9- Life in the Corean Capital.
10- A Working Man's School.
11- Strict Sabbatarianism prevails at Hanau.
12- A Sanitary Inspector in the Character of a Wizard.
13- Weather Chart for the Week, from Oct. 11 to Oct. 17 (Inclusive).
14- Legal.
a- Lord Coleridge's Receptions in the United States.
b- Catherine Flanagan.
c- George Warden.
d- Walsh, Smith, and Hall.
15- St. John Ambulance Association.
16- The Traditional Merry Swiss Boy.
17- The Day of the Dead.
18- Church News.
19- Story. - "Thirlby Hall." by W.E. Norris. Chapter XXI. Franzenshohe is Bereaved. Also Chapter XXII. Lady Constance in London. (To be Continued).
20- The Reader.
21- The Certosa of Pavia.
22- New Music.
23- Christmas Books.
24- Rural Notes.
a- The Growth of Crops.
b- Sir John Lawes.
c- Good Sead Wheat.
d- The Smithfield Club.
e- White Swallows.
f- Horses.
g- Naming Animals.
h- Milking Records.
25- New Novels.
1- Front Page shows the following Engraved Sketches of "Some Stray Notes at the Amsterdam Exhibition."
a- A Turkish Merchant Selling Perfume.
b- Visitors from the Island of Marken in the Zeider Zee.
c & d- Houses and Boats from the Dutch Colonies in the East Indies.
e- A Building in the Dutch Renaissance Style Where Liqueurs are Sold.
f- A Weaver in the Tunisian Building.
g- The Javanese Gamelan.
h- A Javanese Female Dancer.
i- A Lancer, Rifleman, and Gunner on Duty in the Belgian Department.
j- An Indian Woman and Child.
k- A Young Negress.
l- Mutual Admiration of a Native from Hindostan and a Peasant Woman from North Holland.
m- A Chinese Vessel.
n- The Young Girl who Sells Newspapers.
2- Full Page showing the following 4 Engraved Sketches for "The Removal of the Remains of Dr. William Harvey, the Discoverer of the Circulation of the Blood, at Hempstead Church." (With Descriptive Text).
a- Portrait of Harvey, by Cornelius Jansen, in the Possession of the Royal College of Physicians.
b- Interior of the Harvey Chapel in Hempstead Church, showing the Marble Sarcophagus to which Harvey's Remains have been Removed.
c- Interior of the Vault of Hempstead Church.
d- Memorial Bust and Tablet in Hempstead Church.
3- Engraving showing the "General View of Larne Harbour, Ireland, Lately Visited by Sir Stafford Northcote." (With Descriptive Text).
4- Engraving showing "The Revolution in Hayti - View of Port-Au-Prince."
(With Descriptive Text).
5- Half Page Engraving for "The Constitutional Crisis in Norway - View of the Court at Christiania in which the Norwegian Ministry is being Impeached."
(With Descriptive Text).
6- Full page Colour Engraving called "The Rivals" from the Picture by E.K. Johnson.
7- Full Page showing the following Engraved Sketches for "The Hex River Railway, Cape Colony." (With Descriptive Text).
a- From Platelayer's Cottage.
b- Tulbagh Pass by Moonlight.
c- The Stoker has a Little Refreshmant.
d- A Farm by the Way, Hex River Valley.
e- The Boer Way of Travelling on the Railway.
f- Platelayers on a Trolly.
g- Hex River Mountain.
h- Near a Viaduct, Past Twenty-five Mile Cottage.
8- Engraving showing "The River Plate Bank Frauds - Examination of Warden and Watters at the Queen's Bench Court, Guildhall." (With Descriptive Text).
9- Half Page showing 2 Engravings called "The Portland 'Bus," or Steam Launch Attached to H.M.S. "Hercules," in Fair and Foul Weather. (With Descriptive Text).
10- Map showing "The French in Madagascar-Plan of Tamatave, Showing the Amount of Property Owned by Different Nations." (With Descriptive Text).
11- Half Page showing 6 Engraved Sketches of "An Overland Journey from Queensland to Sydney with a New Chum." (With Descriptive Text).
12- Full Page showing the following 12 Engraved Sketches for "The Evils of Opium Smoking, from Fac-Similes of Native Chinese Drawings."
a- The First Downward Step.
b- Parental Expostulations.
c- Pleasure Goes : Sorrow Comes.
d- Habit Fixed : Estate Ruined.
e- Deaf to Entreaty.
f- Resentments Sown.
g- The Opium Appetite Keener Than That for Food.
h- Weeping of Wife and Child.
i- The Empty House.
j- Self-Induced Wretchedness.
k- Homelessness.
l- The End.
13- A Presentation Shield, Presented to General Thomas Osborn. (With Descriptive Text).
14- Engraving drawn by William Small called "She Laid Her Hand Upon Her Brother's Shoulder."
15- Full page Engraving called "The End of the Pic-Nic - Lost on Table Mountain, Capetown."
16- Full Page showing the following Engraved Sketches for "The Certosa of Pavia."
a- Third Window of Facade.
b- The Smaller Cloister.
c- Fourth Window of Facade.
d- Door of the smaller Cloister.
e- Principal Entrance to the Certosa.
f- The "Lavabo" (Washing Basin) in the Sacristy.
g- Second Window of Facade.
h- Outer Entrance to the Certosa.
i- "Lavabo" in Cloisters.
j- The Rear of the Certosa.
k- Detail from the Smaller Cloister.
l- The Vineyard.
Condition is Very Good, with Light Foxing Spots in the Margins.