The Sphere. January 12th 1901.
- Edition.
- £18.50
For Sale is an Issue of "The Sphere," January 12th 1901, Volume IV. No. 51. This Issue contains 16 Pages, 32 Sides, and has been taken from a Bound Volume, therefore the Binding holes are showing.
1- Front page shows a Drawing by Wal Paget of "Lord Roberts being Welcomed at Paddington by the Prince of Wales." (Descriptive Text at bottom of Page).
2- The Weekly Article "The Newsletter," showing London Week by Week.
3- Full Page showing the following 2 Half Page Drawings by R. M. Paxton for "The Return of Lord Roberts : His Reception at Cowes."
a- Lord Roberts replying to the Address of Welcome.
b- Princess Henry of Battenberg, as Governor of the Isle of Wight, Receiving Lord Roberts on the "Alberta."
4- Article called "The Veteran Artist of "Punch" and his Successor." By Arthur W. Beckett. (Together with the following Portraits.)
a- Portrait of Sir John Tenniel. (Retiring).
b- Portrait Mr. Linley Sambourne. (Successor).
5- Full Page showing a Drawing by R.M. Paxton, called "The Return of Lord Roberts : His Arrival at Southampton." Also on this Page is a picture of the "Casket Containing the Address."
6- Full Page showing the following Photographs of "The Return of Lord Roberts : His Greeting at Madeira."
a- Lord Robert's and the Governor.
b- Lord Robert's Landing at Funchal on Boxing Day.
c- Lord Robert's and the Populace.
d- Lord Robert's Reception at Funchal.
7- Full Page Article with the following Photographs of "The Return of Lord Roberts : His Future Task at the War Office.
a- Lady Robert's Home before her Marriage.
b- The Home of Lord Robert's Family.
c- The "Canada" with Lord Robert's on board leaving Cape Town.
d- Portrait of Sir Charles Welby, M.P.
e- Portrait of Mr. William Mather, M.P.
f- Portrait of Mr. George Gibb.
g- Sir G. S. Clarke.
h- Mr. e. W. Beckett, M.P.
i- Portrait of Mr. Clinton Dawkins.
8- Full Page Drawing by Charles Wyllie showing "The Return of Lord Roberts : His Lordship on the "Alberta" at Cowes."
9- Full Page showing the following 2 Half Page Drawings for "The Return of Lord Roberts : His Departure from Cape Town."
a- Torchlight Tattoo at Cape Town in Honour of Lord Roberts. (Drawn by A. Pearse.)
b- Lord Roberts on the Quay at Cape Town beside the "Canada." (Drawn by G. Grenville Manton.)
10- Full page showing the following 2 Photographs for " The Return of Lord Roberts : His Brief Visit to Gibraltar."
a- Lord Roberts starting to inspect the Forts.
b- Lord Roberts being presented with an Address in Commercial Square.
(Descriptive Text beneath each Photo.)
11- Full Page Article called " London's Latest Playground : The Aquisition of the Alexandra Palace." (Together with the following Photographs.)
a- The Palace seen from the Meadows.
b- A bit of the Palace Lake.
c- The iNterior of the Palace (Showing the Grand Organ.)
d- The Alexandra Palace at close quarters.
12- Article called "What the Germans will do in China." (Together with the folowing Photographs.)
a- Portrait of General Von Hopfner.
b- Portrait of Major Von Forster.
c- Portrait of the Duke of Ratibor.
d- Count Von Waldersee in his Carriage.
e- Count Von Waldersee's Tour of Inspection round Tientsin.
f- Count Von Waldersee on the Review Ground Tientsin.
13- Full Page Drawing by Bernard Partridge, called "Shakspere's Great War Play - "Henry V." at the Lyceum. Showing King Henry and the Three Conspirators, Lords Scroop, Grey, and Cambridge.
14- Full Page Illustration drawn by Hal Hurst called "A Contrast of Two Centuries : Love's Chariot in 1801."
15- Full Page Illustration drawn by Hal Hurst called "A Contrast of Two Centuries : Love's Chariot in 1901."
16- Article called "The Jubilee of Canterbury, New Zealand." A Letter by our special Commissioner, Mr. Stafford Ransome.
17- Full page called "A Menagerie in Model : Natural History Tableaux at the Crystal Palace. (Showing the following 2 Tableaux.)
a- Scene in the Canadian Mountains. Red Deer, Canadian Deer, and Fallow Deer.
b- The Polar Bear.
18- The Weekly Article "A Literary Letter."
19- Short Story called "The Shadow of Fate," written by Adeline Sergeant, and Illustrated by Arthur Garratt.
20- Full Page Portrait called "The Famous French Artist : Who Painted Her own Portrait. Showing "Miss Madame Le Brun and Her Child."
21- The Weekly Article "Amusements."
22- The Weekly Article "Men and Women," together with the following Portraits.
a- Mr. Rudolph Chambers Lehmann. - New Editor of the "Daily News".
b- Rev F. E. Ridgeway, D.D. - New Bishop Suffragan of Kensington.
c- The Late Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar. - Charles Alexander.
d- The New Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar.- Grandson of the Late Grand Duke.
e- M. Jules Riviere. - Famous Musical Composer.
f- Sir John Jaffray. - Of the "Birmingham Daily Post".
g- Mr. E. M. Wimperis. - Distinguished Water-colour Artist.
h- The Dowager Lady Churchill.
23- The Weekly Article called "The Outlook on Foreign Affairs. By A. R. Ropes.
24- Article called "London's Welcome to Lord Roberts." Together with the following 2 Photographs.
a- Lord Roberts Leaving the "Canada" at Southampton.
b- The train that brought Lord Roberts to London from Southampton.
25- Double Page Print drawn by Ernest Prater called "The Meeting of Two Great Generals - Lord Roberts passing the Statue of his famous countryma, the Duke of Wellington." (No binding holes in this Print).
26- Drawing by A. Pearse showing Lord Roberts at "The Lunch at Buckingham Palace." (Together with details of who was at the Lunch, and what the Lunch was like.)
27- Full Page called "The Growth of Hooliganism : And the Housing of London's Poor." (Showing Photographs from the following places, with descriptive Text)
a- Bethnal Green.
b- Lambeth.
c- Hoxton.
d- Clerkenwell.
e- Islington.
28- The Weekly Article "Woman's Sphere." By Angela.
Condition is Good, with the Spine being strengthened with Filmoplast tape.