The Sketch Oct 6th 1897.
- The Sketch Magazine.
- £20.00
The Sketch Magazine
Copy has 26 pages, 52 sides, it has been taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the Binding holes showing.
Front page shows a portrait photograph of Miss Florence St. John as the Singing-Girl in "La Perichole," at he Garrick Theatre.
Mr. David Christie Murray and his Critic.
Half page Letter to the Editor of "The Sketch," by David Christie Murray.
Our Critic and Mr. Christie Murray.
Half page Letter to the Editor of "The Sketch,' by the Critic in Reply to Mr. Murray.
Photograph of Miss May Marton, now Appearing in "The Mermaids," at the Avenue Theatre.
Full page photograph of Miss Florence St. John in Her Bridal Dress in "La Perichole," at the Garrick Theatre.
Article called "All For a Halfpenny."
Together with a small portrait photograph of Mr. Charles H. Grinling, Editor of the "News of the Week."
Article concerning "The Triple Bill at the Avenue Theatre."
1- "The Baron's Wager."
2- "My Lady's Orchard."
3- "The Mermaids."
Six page Article called "Small Talk."
Together with the Following photographs,-
1- Oak Planted at Killarney by The Queen.
2- The Summit of the Chilkoot Pass, on the Road to Klondyke.
3- The Cavalry Depot Staff, Canterbury.
4- The Findhorn Viaduct.
5- The "Haka" of the Maoris.
6- Gilpin's Cottage.
Full page, showing Two Half page photographs of the Fire that took place in the Buckingham Village of Ravenstone.
1- Where the Fire originated.
2- A sample of what the Fire did.
Photograph of "The Lady Chapel" Gloucester Cathedral.
"A Swordsmen's Bout at Whitton Park Club."
Full page showing Two Half page photographs of an Exhibition of Swordsmanship held at the Whitton Park Club.
Half page Article called "The Literary Lounger."
Half page Article called "Hors D'oeuvres," by Marmiton.
Full page Illustration called "Siegfried and the Dragon's Blood." By Gilbert James.
A Novel in a Nutshell.
Full page Novel called "The Silly Season Game," Written by Violet Hunt.
Article called "The Queen's Watermen." together with Half page photograph.
Article Concerning Professor Mahaffy called "A Dublin Don."
Common Objects of The Strand.
Half page Article called "The Man in the Tent" by Barry Pain.
A Neglected Genius : "Henry Kirke White," written by J.A. Hammerton.
Two page Article on the Poet together with the Following photographs,-
1- White's Birthplace, Exchange Alley, Nottingham.
2- Clifton Grove.
3- Small portrait of White.
The Art of the Day.
Article together with the following Two photographs,-
1- "A Pastoral" : A photographic Study by Charles Reid.
2- "The Inquest: a Suspicious Case," : A photographic Study by G.W.
Article about the curious Clock at Sir John Pennett's in Cheapside called, "The Romance of a Cheapside Clock."
Miss Helen Gladstone.
Article on the Cycling habits of Miss Gladstone, together with a photograph.
Miss Barrie's Babbie On The Stage.
Article with a Half page portrait photograph on Miss Maude Adams, who has been Appearing as "Babbie" in "The Little Minister," in New York.
The Little Grey Arab.
Double page Article on the "Little Grey Arab and Lord Roberts."
Showing a Half page photograph of Lord Roberts, and Two photographs of Lord Roberts astride his Horse.
Full page Article called "At Randon," by L.F. Austin.
Full page photograph showing Mr. Frederick Harrison as the Comte de Candale in "A Marriage of Convenience," at the Haymarket Theatre.
Full page Article on "The Chateau D'eu."
The Light Side of Nature.
Full page Illustration Drawn by Raven Hill.
Things I Have Not Seen : The Maelstrom.
Full page Illustration Drawn by Leslie Willson.
Full page Illustration Drawn by "Skelton."
An Aerial Railway.
Half page Article on the Invention by Mr. H.S. Halford, London.
Together with a photograph.
A Pyramidical Railway.
Half page Article on The Pyramidical Railway at Southend.
Together with a photograph.
Article on "The American Art Association."
The Richest Woman in the World.
Article concerning Senora de Cousino, the Richest Woman in the World.
Half page Advert for "Scott & Browne Ltd.
Half page Advert for "Mappin & Webb's."
Quarter page Advert for "Dore and Sons."
Quarter page Advert for "Ogden's Cigarettes."
Half page Advert for "Vinolia."
Full page Article on "Theatrical Gossip," showing the Following photographs,-
1- The Actress Miss Lettice Fairfax, Irene in "One Summer's Day, at the Comedy
2- The Actress Adie Burt, who is the Pretty Young Wife in "The Purser," at the
Strand Theatre.
Article called "The Antiquities of Ireland."
Half page Article called "The Angler's October," by F.G. Walters.
Half page Advert for "Wilson & Gill."
Half page Advert for "Bussey's Table Billiards."
Full page Article called "The World of Sport," by Captain Coe.
1- Paragraph on Polo, together with a photograph of the "Sibsagar District Polo
Challenge Cup."
2- Paragraph on Football, together with a photograph showing the " Viena
Football and Cricket Club."
3- Paragraph on "Racing Notes."
Full page Cycling Article called "Society on Wheels,"
Half Page Advert for "Guy's Tonic."
Two page Article called "Our Ladies Pages," by Sybil.
Full page Advert for the Issue of Debenture for "The Dee Estates, Limited."
Two page Article called "City Notes."
1- Money.
2- Home Rails.
3- Yankees.
4- New Capital.
5- South Africa.
6- South African Banking.
7- Mr. Bottomley's Dinner.
8- Cycle Shares.
9- The Lower Roodepoort Scandal.
10- Issue.