The Sketch Sept 1st 1897.
- The Sketch Magazine.
- £20.00
The Sketch Magazine.
Copy has 26 pages, 52 sides, it was taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the binding holes showing.
Front page shows a portrait photograph of the Duke of York Wearing the Order of Knight of St. Patrick.
Full page Article called "The Khyber Pass and its Denizens."
Together with the Following photographs,-
1- Western Entrance to the Kyber Pass.
2- Lundi Kotal Pass. with Road made by Madras Sappers.
3- Khyber Chief and Khans (Afridis).
4- End of Defile, showing the Narrowness of Defile and Height of Fort.
The Horse-Show at Dublin.
Full page showing the Following Six photographs,-
1- Mr. Matthew Flanagan's Champion Roscommon Ram.
2- Sir Walter Gilbey's Champion Hackney Stallion, Hedgy Squire.
3- Mr. E. Malone's First Prize Hunter, Marchioness.
4- Mr. James Leiper's Champion Shropshire Shearing Ram.
5- Mr. Skith's Filly.
6- Mr. Patrick O'Connor's Thoroughbred Stallion, Mont Cenis.
Eight page Article called "Small Talk."
Together with the Following photographs,-
1- Lady Ardilaun : The Duke and Duchess of York's Hostess at Clontarf.
2- Officers of the Cheshire Regiment reading "The Sketch."
3- Miss Sadie Jerome and African Dancers.
4- "Rule Britania," : A Tableau in Assam.
5- Admiral Robert Blake.
6- The Dual between the Duke of York and Colonel Lennox.
7- The Sun-Bonnet for Horses.
8- A Hen of a Litter of Puppies.
9- Mrs. Talbot Bruce, (Breeder of Dachshunds).
10- The Statue of Brigham Young.
11- A View from Highgate Archway.
12- H.M.S. "Whiting," : The Fastest Warship Afloat.
13- The Steamer "Avon."
14- Lady Bathers at Sheerness-On-Sea.
The Charms of Connemara.
Two half page photographs showing,-
1- A Hillside Farm, Cashel.
2- Kylemore Castle, Connemara.
Article on "The Plague in Poona." with three photographs.
The Appearance of Poona.
Full page showing the Following Five photographs
1- A Glimpse of the Segregated Camp at Poona.
2- Houses with the Plague Mark.
3- Two Bodies on the Funeral Pyre in the Cremation Ground for Hindoos on the
Poona River.
4- A Street of Unroofed Huts, with Rough Shelters on the Right.
5- Holes made by the Troops in Infected Quarters for Ventilation.
Full page portrait photograph called "A Summer Girl,"
Half page Article called "The Literary Lounger."
Half page Article called "Hors D'oeuvres," by Marmiton.
Full page Article called "At Random," by L.F. Austin.
The Book and its History.
Full page Review by Richard Ashe KIng of the Book "The Octave of Claudius." By Barry Pain.
A Novel in a Nutshell.
Small Novel called "Mistakes," by Frank Samuel.
Full page Article on Shooting called "The First of September."
Full page showing Two half page photographs called "The PLeasures of a Dip."
Photographs by Byron, New York.
The Art of the Day.
Full page Article with Two photographs of the Following Paintings,-
1- "Baigneuse," by Madame Bries. Exhibited at the Graves Galleries.
2- "Across the Bridge of Time," by G. Hillyard Swinstead.
Full page Article called "Mr. W. S. Penley at Home."
Together with a Full page showing the Following photographs,-
1- Mr. Penley, Mrs. Penley, and their Eldest Son.
2- Mr. Penley Playing Bowls.
3- Mr. and Mrs. Penley Driving.
4- Mr. Penley Shooting Clay Pigeons.
5- Mr. and Mrs. Penley in their Launch, the "Union Jack," on the Basingstoke
Canal at the bottom of their Garden.
Common Objects of the Strand.
Full page Areticle called "The Chained Man," by Barry Pain.
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day.
Full page Aerticle showing the Following Two photographs,-
1- The Temple of Jupiter : The Emperor of Constantine Received by the Senate.
2- Sacrificial Scene before the Temple of Juno Moneta.
Full page Article on "The Gentle Art of Palmistry," by a Student of Medicine.
Full page Illustration called "The Light Side of Nature," by Gunning King.
"Things i Have Not Seen : Mont Blanc."
Full page Illustration by Leslie Wilson.
Full page Illustration called "On The Pier," by Iscat Wilson.
"Songs For The Kiddies."
Full page Illustration by Cecil Aldin.
Full page Article called "The Cult Of London."
Together with a photograph showing the Tower of London, from Tower Bridge.
Article on "The Proposed Renovation of Kirkwall Cathedral."
Half page Advert for "Mappin & Webb's."
Half page Advert for "Stephen Smith & Co."
Half page Advert for Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes."
London's Youngest Theatre.
Half page Article on the new Theatre at Fulham, together with a photograph showing the Entrance.
Quarter page portrait photograph of the Actress Miss Mabel Allen.
Small Article on "Other Suburban Theatres."
Small Article on Miss Ada Rehan as "Rosalind," in "As You Like It."
"On The Broads."
Small Article on the Norfolk Broads, together with Two Yachting photographs.
Half page Advert for "Mariani Wine."
Sailor's Experience.
Half page Article Advertising "Jacobs Oil."
Full page Article called "The World of Sport," by Captain Coe.
1- Racing Notes.
2- Athletics.
3- Golf.
Full page Article on Cycling called 'Society on Wheels."
Together with Two photographs showing the Following,-
1- Frenchwomen Cycling in Tights.
2- Cycling on the Margin of Hampstead Heath.
"Our Ladies Pages," by Sybil.
Two page Article called "Chiefly Hibernian." with the Following Illustrations.
1- Lady at Leopardstown Races.
2- Lady at the Dublin Horse Show.
3- Fashionable Fronts For Autumn Tailor-Mades.
Full page Advert for "The Parisian Diamond Company."
Quarter page Advert for "Aspinall's Enamel."
Half page Advert for "Guy's Tonic."
Quarter page Advert for "Lazenby's Soup Squares."
Two page Article called "City Notes."
1- Money.
2- Stock Exchange Values.
3- Irish Savings.
3- Henderson's Transvaal Estates.
4- Kent Coal Exploration.
5- Australian Bank-Assets Scheme.
6- Colonial Companies.
7- The Future of Rhodesia.
8- The Argentine.
9- Uruguay.
10- The Lower Roodepoort.