The Sketch May 3rd 1905
- The Sketch Magazine.
- £20.00
The Sketch Magazine.
Copy has 16 pages, 32 sides, it was taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the binding holes showing.
Front page shows Mr. Harvard Thomas's Life-sized Statue in Black Wax, "Lycidas."
Full page Article called "Motley Notes," by Keble Howard.
Napoleon On The Stage.
Full page Article called,- Apropos of Mr. Cyril Maude's Appearance in "The Creole."
Together with photographs of the Following,-
1- Mr Murray Carson in " A Royal Divorce."
2- Mr. Martin Harvey in "The Exile."
3- Lewis Waller in "Mademoiselle Mars."
4- Mr. Cyril Maude's Model for his Make-Up as Napoleon in "The Creole" :
Guerin's Napoleon.
Full page Article called "The Stage from the Stalls."
1- "Romeo and Juliet."
2- "Her Own Way."
3- "What Pamela Wanted."
4- "The Mermaid Repertory Theatre."
"Romeo and Juliet" As Shakspere Would Have Had It Played.
Full page photograph showing Mr. Esme Percy and Miss Dorothy MInto (A Juliet in Her Teens) in Elizabethan Costume as Romeo and Juliet.
Full page Article called "Small Talk of the Week."
Three page Article together with the Following photographs,-
1- Lady Windsor.
2- Pigmies from Darkest Africa : The Genuine Stanley Dwarfs Brought to Cairo
By Colonel Harrison.
3- Born a King : His Most Catholic Majesty Alfonso XIII. of Spain at the Age of
4- Mr. Stanhope Forbes. (Artist)
5- Mr. David Farquharson. (Artist)
6- The Facade of the Main Building for the Great Exhibition at Liege.
7- The Hostess of the Yacht, "The Honour" : Baroness De Forest.
8- The New Form of Submarine for the British Navy : "The B 1."
9- Mrs Harry Thaw. (Nee Florence Nesbit.)
10- Miss Rose Harriet Pastor.
11- Nerve Testing Work : Painting Brooklyn Bridge, New York.
"Leah Kleschna," At The New Theatre.
Full page showing Two Scenes from the Production at the Manhattan Theatre, New York.
The Production of "Leah Kleschna" at the New Theatre.
Full page photograph showing the Scene when Leah Kleschna (Mrs. Fiske) Burgles Paul Sylvaine's Safe.
The Production of "Leah Kleschna" at the New Theatre.
Full page showing photographs of Three Scenes,_
1- Act III.- Study in Paul Sylvaine's House at St. Cloud.
2- Act IV.- Kleschna's Lodgings in Paris.
3- Act V.- Lettuce-Fields, Near Neustadt, Austria.
Full page Article called "My Morning Paper," by The Man in the Train.
The Heir to the Lonely Furrow as County Cricketer.
Full page photograph of Lord Rosebery's Eldest Son, Lord Dalmeny, New Captain of the Surrey Eleven.
Rulers of Rulers of Great Britain : Some of the Wives of the Cabinet.
Full page showing portrait photographs of the Following,-
1- Mrs Alfred Lyttelton. ( Wife of the Secretary of State for the Colonies)
2- Lady Alice Stanley. ( Wife of the Postmaster-General)
3- The Marchioness of Linlithgow. ( Wife of the Secretary for Scotland)
4- Countess Cawdor. (Wife of the First Lord of the Admiralty)
5- The Marchioness of Lansdowne. (Wife of the Secreatry of State for Foreign
6- The Hon. Mrs. Ailwyn Fellowes. (Wife of the President of the Board of
7- Mrs. St. John Brodrick. ( Wife of the Secretary of State for India)
8- Lady Doreen Long. (Wife of the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of
9- The Marchioness of Londonderry. ( Wife of the Lord President of the Council)
Rulers of Rulers of France : "Mesdames Les Ministresses."
Full page showing portrait photographs of the Following,-
1- Mme. Chaumie. (Wife of the Minister of Justice)
2- Mme. Dubief. (Wife of the Minister of Commerce)
3- Mme. Rouvier. ( Wife of the Minister of Finance)
4- Mme Berard. (Wife of the Minister of Posts and Telegraphs)
5- Mme. Ruau. (Wife of the Minister of Agriculture)
6- Mme. Bienvenu-Martin. (Wife of the Minister of Public Instruction)
7- Mme. Gauthier. (Wife of the Minister of Public Works)
8- Mme. Delcasse. (Wife of the Minister of Foreign Affairs)
9- Mme. Berteaux. ( Wife of the Minister of War)
A Guide For Riders of the Nightmare.
Full page Illustration showing "A Landscape Map of a Part of the Land of Dreams," Drawn by S. H. Sime.
Art and the Man.
Full page Illustration called "The Poster-Man," Drawn by Frank Reynolds.
Full page Article called "The literary Lounger."
A Waiter's Science.
Full page Cartoon Illustration Drawn by Lawson Wood.
"Should The Trams Go Over The Bridges ?"
Full page Cartoon Illustration Drawn by Starr Wood.
A Novel in a Nutshell.
Two page Novel called "The Jest." by E. Temple Thurston.
Full page Article called "Heard in the Green Room."
Together with a small portrait photograph of Mr. J. N. Maskelyne.
Full page Article called "Key Notes," by Common Chord.
Together with Three small portrait photographs,-
1- A Newcomer at Covent Garden : Mlle. Simeoli (Contralto).
2- A Newcomer at Covent Garden : Mme. Sobrino (Soprano).
3- A Newcomer at Covent Garden : Miss Edna Thornton.
Full page Article called "The Man on the Car."
1- Motor Accidents and Sensationalism.
2- The Worthing Motor Carnival.
3- Meyau v. Siddeley.
4- High-Tension Magneto-Ignition.
Full page Article called "The World of Sport," by Captain Coe.
1- The Guineas.
2- Roguish House.
3- Scratchings.
4- "S.P."
Our Ladies Pages.
Full page Article with the Following photographs,-
1- A Lady wearing a Pretty Arrangement of Black over White.
2- A Lady wearing a Light Cloth Gown with White Facings.
3- Mr. Frank Reynolds and Miss Winifred Milne, who have just Wed.
Article concerning "Lord Danby's Love Affair."
City Notes.
1- Stock Exchange Government.
2- Gilt-Edged, Though Cheap.
3- Americans in London.
4- Our Broken Hill Letter.