The Sketch Oct 31st 1906.
- The Sketch Magazine.
- £20.00
The Sketch Magazine.
Copy has 17 pages, 34 sides, it was taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the Binding holes showing.
Front page showing a photograph of "The Unmilitary Cobbler- Captain Of
Koepenick : Wilhelm Voiht, the Bogus Captain of the First Regiment of the Guards.
Full page Article called "Motley Notes," by Keble Howard.
"Who Goes Home ? - The Cry of the Lobby."
Full page Cartoon Illustration by Fred Buchanan.
Full page Article called "The Clubman."
Together with a photograph of Miss Marie Lloyd and Mr. Alec Hurley, who were Married Saturday last.
A New Highway to South Africa.
A Three page Article concerning a Railway under Construction which will shorten the Journey between London and Pretoria or Buluwayo by Three Thousand Miles.
Small Talk of the Week.
Three page Article together with the Following photographs,-
1- Miss Mary Garden as "Aphrodite."
2- The King of Spain with his Tennis-Ball Retrievers.
3- The Till Eulenspiegel Fountain in Brunswick.
4- Lieutenant William John English, of the Army Services Corps.
5- Miss Evie Green.
6- Mr. Julius Price, Special Artist- Correspondent of the "Illustrated London News.
7- A Part of Aeronauts photographed inside a Hot-Air Balloon at Cold Ash.
Beavers and Beaverages.
Full page Article by Frank Richardson called "The Shaver's Calendar."
The Physiognomy of the Suffragette.
Full page with photographs showing,-
1- Miss Dora Montefiore (Journalist), Arrested, and now in Holloway.
2- Miss Adela E. M. Pankhurst (School-Teacher), Arrested, and now in Holloway.
3- Miss Irene Miller, Arrested, and now in Holloway.
4- A Group of Suffragettes ejected from the House of Commons.
5- Miss Theresa Billington (Organiser), Arrested, and now in Holloway.
6- Mrs Pankhurst, (Secretary of the Women's Social and Political Union.
7- Mrs. Pethick Lawrence whose Husband is Paying £10 to the Suffragettes
Funds while his Wife is in Prison.
Full page Article "After Dinner," by Ernest A. Bryant.
Our Wonderful World !
Full page Article with photographs showing,-
1- Whaling for fun at a few Shillings a Day.
2- Hunting for Porpoise for Eating Raw.
3- A Baby Elephant Entertained at Tea by the American Actress, Mrs. Edna
Wallace Hopper.
4- A 165 Year Old Alligator.
5- A Unique Shop-Sign in the West of England.
Full page Article "The Stage from the Stalls," by E.F.S.
1- The Charity that Began at Home.
2- "The Virgin Goddess."
"The Cricketer- Cracksman" In The Provinces.
Full page photograph showing Mr. Leonard Boyne as Raffles in "Raffles," on Tour.
"Treasure-Trove- Not At Tobermory."
Full page Cartoon Illustration by Starr Wood.
"Edison Juggins, the Greatest Inventor of the Age."
Full page Cartoon Illustration by Lawson Wood.
Full page Article called "Week-End Papers," by S.L. Bensusan.
Woman's Worries.
Full page of photographs showing.-
1- Traces of Emotion, call for the Renovating Aid of Powder and Puff.
2- Why will Rebellious short Hairs escape from the Comb.
3- Hatpins are notoriously unreliable and will insist on Slipping.
4- Patent Hooks or Fasteners- What good are they ? an abrupt movement
undoes them, and a Gaping Skirt is not Beautiful.
5- It is Necessary to be wary when taking a Seat, or someone will trip over one's
6- The Art of pulling down one's Veil requires facial contortion - The Nose,-
The Forehead, and the Lips all play a part in the operation.
Full page Article called 'The Literary Lounger."
Decidedly Foozled !
Full page Cartoon Illustration by John Hassall.
A Novel in a Nutshell.
A Two page Novel called "The Aboriginal and the Strawberry-Leaves."
William Tells.
Full page Cartoon Illustration Drawn by Charles Pears.
Full page Article called "Heard in the Green Room."
Full page Article called "Key-Notes," by Common Chord.
Together with Two portrait photographs,-
1- Madame Scaler. (The Soprano)
2- Paul Kochanski. (Violinist)
Full page Article "The Man on the Car."
Discussing the Following,-
1- Car-Insurance Reform.
2- The Motor Union to the Rescue.
3- The King's Accident.
4- Medicos and the Motor Tax.
5- The Exhibition of Olympia.
6- Germany's Tax on Tourists.
Full page Article called "The World of Sport," by Captain Coe.
Discussing the Following,-
1- Newbury, the latest addition to our Racecourses.
2- The Cheap-Ringers.
3- Entries and Starters.
4- The Starting-Gate
Two full page Article called "Our Ladies Pages."
Together with photographs showing,-
1- A Lady Wearing the Krutoid Corset, and the Krutoid Suede Petticoat-Top
with Interchangeable Flounce, by Sykes Josephine.
2- A Lady Wearing a Cloth Coat with Grey Fox Fur.
3- Miss Ellaline Terriss with her Beeston Humber.
Full page Article called "City Notes."
1- Money and the Markets.
2- The Commonwealth Oil Corporation, Limited.
3- Canadians and Mexicans.
4- Will Americans Slump ?
5- Rhodesians and Kaffirs.