The Bystander Sept 7th 1910.
- Magazine Devoted to Travel, Literature, Art, Drama, Progress, and Locomotion..
- £18.50
Copy has 25 pages, 50 sides, it was taken from a Bound Volume and therefore has the Binding holes showing.
Front page shows a photograph called " I Have Touch'd the Highest Point of all
My Greatness." Sir Herbert Tree as Cardinal Wolsey in "Henry V111.," Produced at His Majesty's Theatre last Thursday.
Articles include,-
The World's Pageant.
The Bystanders Weekly Comments.
1- The Court at Windsor.
2- The Prince of Wales.
3- Queen Alexandra.
4- Photo's of the Earl and Countess Fitzwilliam.
5- The Doncaster Week.
6- Canelajas and his King.
7- The Kylemore Parties.
8- Theatrical Awakenings.
9- The Marriage of Lord Lovat.
10- America in London.
11- The dudleys at the Antipodes.
12- A Mediterranean Cruise.
13- The gentle art of making enemies.
14- British Sport Ltd.
15- A Royal Wedding.
16- This Weeks Wonders.
Cheering up Welsh Industries.
The Garden Party at Cardiff Castle.
1- The Marquess of Bute.
2- Lady Ninian Crichton-Stuart.
3- The Marchioness of Bute and Viscount Tredegar.
4- General View of the Garden Party : Tea on the Lawn.
Pelissier's Potted Pageant.
The Follies' latest frenzied Frolic at the Apollo THeatre.
Page shows 3 Scenes.-
1- The Prehistoric Episode.
2- The Kings and Queens of England.
3- The follies on Chargers (All ex-Derby Winners.)
"Are You Going To Join "The Smilers" ?
What we may expect if the new Religious sect makes many Converts.
Full page of Sketches by Norman Morrow.
Portrait of Lady Marjorie Erskine.
Full page Photograph of Lady Winifred Gore. The beautiful half-sister of the Earl of Arran, the Countess of Arlie, and the Marchioness of Salisbury. She is only nineteen years of age.
Portrait of H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught.
The President of the Epee Club.
Full page picture of the Sportsman Lord Desborough, by W. Howard Robinson.
Full page photograph of the Belgian Playwright, and Poet, M. Maurice Maeterlinck. Called "A Poet For All The World."
Full page photograph of Madame Georgette Maeterlinck. Called "And His Most Ardent Admirer."
The Bystander Abroad.
The Kaiser's Amazing Indescretion : Does he wish to emulate King Canute ?
Full page sketch by H.M. Bateman. called "Sunday" A Pictorial Tract.
"The Eternal Question" (by Hall Caine) at the Garrick Theatre. By "Jingle."
Together with a Full page of Sketches illustrated by Norman Morrow.
Paris Shows. et Autres Choses. By John N. Raphael.
Full page Drawing called "Dinner by the Way."
The Road-Side Inn as it is in Paris Today.
Full page photograph "The First Cub Hunt of the Season."
Exmoor Foxhounds Meet at Parracombe : Making for Covert at Rowley Down.
His Majesty's Yearlings.
Sandringham -Bred Youngsters Training at Egerton House. By Leonard Willoughby. Showing a Double page of photographs of Yearlings called " Will One of Them Win the Derby of 1912 for the King. ?"
Happy Haunts of the Artist.
Picturesque Old Water-Mills on the Thames and Bure.
1- The Old Mill House near Mapledurham.
2- The Mill at Coltishall on the Bure in Norfolk.
The Bystander Short Story. "The Little Blind God." By Maude B. Pattison.
"A Flower of the Gaiety Garden."
Full page Portrait of Miss Enid Leslie.
" Life in the Mercantile Marine." Full page Cartoon Drawing by E.G.O. Beuttler.
"A Breezy Pleasaunce of the North."
Full page of Sketches at Scarborough : By R.G.Mathews.
Acres of Albatross.
A North Pacific Island Carpeted by Birds.
"The Blight of British Lawn Tennis."
Hair-Raising Revelations by Mr Q.B.Waile.
Famous Cricketers No8.
Mr K.L. Hutchings : A Full page Sketch by Thorpe.
Golf Notes and Notions. By Ernest Lehmann.
" The Children's Paradise." Full page photograph of the Margate Beach.
"Comfort in Shooting." By Leonard Willoughby.
Racing Notions - Doncaster, By Carbine.
Full page Advert for D.H.Evans & Co Ltd.
Motoring by Land, Sea, and Sky.
The Garden. By H.C. Davidson.
1- The importance of Ripened Growth.
2- Richardias or Arum Lillies.
Frocks, Frills & Furbellows. By Mrs. Jack May.